Faculty committees are at the heart of faculty governance.

Elected councils and committees


Council on Reviews (COR): Promotions Committee

The Promotions Committee advises the president on cases in which a faculty member is under review for promotion with tenure or to full professor. The Promotions Committee also serves as a body of review in termination for cause cases involving faculty members.

2024 - ‘25 (3 yr term)
Lorraine Besser 2022-‘25
Emily Proctor 2022-‘25
Roberto Lint Sagarena 2024-‘27

Council on Reviews (COR): Reappointments Committee

The Reappointments Committee advises the provost in all reappointment reviews.  This committee also conducts ten-year reviews.

2024 - ‘25 (3 yr term)
Steve Abbott 2021 - ’25
Catherine Combelles 2023 - ’26
Usama Soltan 2024 - ‘27

Faculty Council

Faculty Council is the executive committee of the faculty. In this capacity it (1) coordinates faculty business; (2) represents the College faculty when working with the administration and/or Board of Trustees on all matters related to the College faculty; (3) acts as the Committee on Committees; and (4) in conjunction with other elected faculty committees, works with the administration and/or Board of Trustees on matters of shared interest related to the College, the Schools, and the Institute.

2024 - ‘25 (3 yr term)
Ata Anzali 2024 - 26’
Eilat Glikman 2024-‘27
Bert Johnson 2022 - ’25
Niwaeli Kimambo 2023 - ’26 (leave 2024-‘25)
Otilia Milutin 2024 - 25’ (leave replacement)
Jason Mittell 2023 - ’26
Andrea Vaccari 2023 - ‘26
Dana Yeaton 2022 - ’25

Educational Affairs Committee (EAC)

The EAC has two primary functions: to oversee the general direction of the College’s curriculum and to make recommendations on staffing and the allocation of teaching resources.

2024 - ‘25 (3 yr term)
Grace Spatafora, chair (ex-officio)
Micole Biancosino 2024-‘25 (leave replacement)
Mike Dash 2023 - ’26
Ellery Foutch 2024 - ’27 (leave 24-25)
Matthew Lawrence 2024-‘25 (leave replacement)
Marybeth Nevins 2021-‘25
Nicolas Poppe 2021-‘25
Frank Swenton 2022-‘25

Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI)

The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will serve as a platform for faculty engagement and governance on issues pertaining to diversity, inclusivity, and equity.

Elected (3 yr term)
Dima Ayoub 2022- ‘25
Dan Suarez 2023 - ’26

Appointed (1 yr and 2 yr term)
Clint Cave 2024 - ‘25 (1 yr)
Jessica L’Roe 2024 - ‘26 (2 yr)
Jerry Philogene 2024 - ‘26 (2 yr)
Marcos Rohena-Madrazo 2024 - ‘26 (2 yr)

Strategy Committee

The Strategy Committee represents the College faculty in long-range strategic planning with the administration and Board of Trustees.

Elected (3 yr term)
Shelyb Kimmel 2024-‘27
Akhil Rao 2022-27 (leave 24-25)
Max Ward 2024-‘25 (leave replacement)

Appointed (3 yr term)
Lindsey Repka 2022 - ‘25
Carrie Wiebe 2022 - ‘25

Resources Committee

The Resources Committee represents the College faculty in shared-governance discussions with the administration and Board of Trustees regarding Middlebury’s financial sustainability, especially as it relates to the College. In addition to its concern with matters directly related to the faculty, the Committee will also consider other financial matters that affect the integrity of Middlebury’s academic program and, for example, the College’s commitments to supporting students with financial need and ensuring the diversity of the community.

Elected (3 yr term)
Jenn Ortegren 2024 - ‘27
Martin Seehuus 2022 - ’25

Appointed (3 yr term)
Jeff Carpenter 2023 - ‘27 (leave 25-26)
Michaela Kubacki 2023 - ‘26
Jacob Tropp 2024 - ‘25 (leave replacement)

Appeals Council

The Appeals Council hears petitions from faculty members who wish to contest a promotion review that results in non-reappointment. Appeals are granted only on grounds involving procedural errors that may have influenced the review committee and/or the provost, or violations of academic freedom.

Elected (3 yr term)
Erin Sassin 2021- ‘25 (leave 2023-24)
David Dorman 2023-‘26 (leave 2025-26)
Erik Gong 2023 - ‘26
Laurie Essig 2023 - ‘26

Appointed (3 yr term)

Faculty Moderator

The Faculty Moderator presides over Faculty Meetings, participates with Faculty Council and with the administration in planning the agenda for faculty meetings, and encourages faculty to make suggestions for the agenda.

James Sanchez ‘23 - ‘25

Appointed councils and committees


Academic Integrity Committee

2024 - ‘25
Jane Chaplin
Jonathan Miller-Lane
Obie Porteous

Administration Committee

This committee is responsible for reviewing petitions from students for exceptions to certain academic policies and from faculty members for grade changes.

2024 - ‘25
Marta Manrique-Gomez (co-Chair)
Eddie Vazquez
David West
Phani Wunnava

Admissions Advisory Committee

Presential Appointment

2023 - ‘24
Raphaelle Guavin-Coulombe
Rachael Joo
John Spackman
Becky Tang

Athletic Policy Committee

The committee has the responsibility to formulate and recommend to the faculty policy concerning intercollegiate athletics for Middlebury College undergraduates.

2024 - ‘25
James Calvin Davis (Chair)
Viola Huang
Michael Newbury

Center for Careers and Internships Advisory Committee

To work with the director of the Center for Careers and Internships in an advisory capacity. The committee consists of the director, two faculty members, and students.

2024 - ‘25
Matt Dickerson
Jessica Holmes

College Street Children’s Center Board

2024 - ‘25
Jennifer Ortegren

Committee on Assessment (ad hoc)

2024 -‘25 -No appointments

Community Bias Response Team

2024 - ‘25
Florence Feiereisen

Community Council

2024 - ‘25
McKinley Brumback
Jeff Buettner
Mark Evancho

CTLR Advisory Committee

Two-year terms
Zara Contractor 2024 - ‘25 (1 yr replacement)
Emily Malcolm-White 2022 - ‘25
Danielle Simon 2024 - ‘26
Daniel Silva 2024 - ‘26

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee is charged with approving new courses; acting upon changes in requirements for programs, majors, and minors; exercising oversight of the distribution requirement and the cultures and civilizations requirement; and administering winter term.

2024 - ‘25
Ben Cotts
Rebecca Mitchell
Matt Walker
Gary Winslett

Curriculum Distribution (ad hoc)

2024 - ‘25
Erik Bleich
Phil Chodrow
Bob Cluss
Natalie Eppelsheimer
Amanda Gregg
Amy Morsman
Shawna Shapiro

Digital Learning, ITS, and Library Engagement (DIALECT)

2024 - ‘25
Laura Lesta Garcia
Joseph Holler
Peter Johnson
Louisa Stein

Education Studies Committee

To work with the director of education studies in an advisory capacity. The committee consists of the director of education studies and two faculty members.

Two-year Terms
Elsa Mandoza 2024-‘26

Environmental Council

2024 - ‘25
Will Amidon
Molly Anderson
Dan Brayton
Matthew Schrader

Health Professions Committee

Two-year Terms
Maggie Clinton 2022 - ‘24
Kirsten Coe 2023 - ‘25
Logan Fischer 2023-‘24 (1 yr replacement)
James Fitzsimmons (co-Chair) 2023 - ‘25
Chong-suk Han 2023 - ‘25
Chris Herdman 2023 - ‘25
Alex Lyford 2023 - ‘25
Fernando Rocha 2022 - ‘24
Mark Spritzer 2023 - ‘25
Gina Thomas 2023 - ‘25

Honorary Degrees Committee (ad hoc)

Trustee committee that recommends to the president candidates for honorary degrees and Commencement speakers.

Peter Matthews
Brett Millier

Humanities Steering Committee

2024 - ‘25
Carrie Anderson (co-Chair)
Ian Barrow (co-Chair)
Kristin Bright (for Fall ‘24)
Maguerite Lenius
Julie Adamo (staff)
Yumna Siddiqi
Chris Star

ex officio:
Febe Armanios
Marion Wells
Rebekah Irwin (staff)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Committee Contact: Jake Pirkkanen, jpirkkanen@middlebury.edu

Institutional Biosafety Committee

2024 - ‘25
Amanda Crocker (Chair)
Erin Eggleston

Institutional Review Board

2024 - ‘25
Matt Kimble (Chair)
Laura Biester
Jamie McCallum
David Munro
Thor Sawin (MIIS)
Vacant (Community Member)

Judicial Board

2023 - ‘24
Rebecca Bennette
Hang Du (co-Chair)
Jon Isham
Joe Holler
Elsa Mendoza
Otilia Milutin
Rebecca Tiger
Marc Witkin
Don Wyatt

Laboratory Safety Committee

2024 - ‘25
Jason Arndt
Erin Eggleston
Angus Findlay
Pete Ryan
Mary Jane Simpson

Lands Advisory Group

This is a collection of faculty and staff who advise the College administration and Board of Trustees on lands-related decisions.

2024 - ‘25
Jeff Howarth

Language Schools Faculty Advisory Committee (ad hoc)

2024 - ‘25 (2 yr terms)
Irina Feldman, 2024-‘26
Michelle Leftheris, 2024-‘26
Natasha Ngaiza, 2023-‘25 (leave ‘23-‘24) 
Ajay Verghese, 2023-‘25 (leave ‘23-‘24)

Off-Campus Study

To review, appraise, and approve or disapprove all student applications for a leave of absence to study off campus.

2024 - ‘25
Febe Armanios
Eunyung Lim
Ioana Uricaru
Carlos Velez (Chair)


Presidential Appointment

Three-year Terms
Antonio Losano 2023 - ‘25
Jonathan Miller-Lane 2023 - ‘25


2024 - ‘25
Michael Olinick

Pre-Professional Committees (ad hoc)

To prepare committee recommendations; to assist students in their applications to medical, dental, engineering, and other professional schools.

2024 -‘25

Architecture Studies
John Mcleod

Philip Caplan
Susan Watson

Steve Viner, Advisor
Murray Dry, Assistant Advisor

Research Computing

2024 -‘25
Michael Linderman
Kathryn Morse
Peter Nelson

Symposium Committee

2024 - ‘25
Greg Pask
Erin Sassin
Mike Sheridan (co-Chair)
Sharon Wang