A Middlebury student walks across campus with her parents.

Supporting the Middlebury Experience

Gifts to the Parents’ Fund support every aspect of the Middlebury experience, creating opportunities for learning and discovery. 

These are expendable gifts, usually made unrestricted to the Parents’ Fund and they immediately fund the opportunities that characterize the Middlebury experience. Expendable gifts can also be designated for specific areas such as athletics, financial aid, internships, or faculty support. All of these gifts, small or large, count as Family Philanthropy.

Creating Immediate Impact

Your gifts to the Parents’ Fund supports every program at Middlebury.

Last year alone, Middlebury parents contributed an exceptional $3.8 million to the Parents’ Fund, dollars that went right to work for today’s students.

Preparing Students to Navigate the World

The Parents’ Fund is essential to maintaining the caliber and depth of the College’s programs and student opportunities.

Every day, Middlebury introduces students to something new—new ideas, discoveries, perspectives, and possibilities—and develops their capacity to grapple with the complex forces shaping our communities. Students leave the College prepared to embrace and solve the intellectual, cultural, social, environmental, and economic challenges of our day.

You may be surprised to know that half of our donors are parents whose student has already graduated, and yet they to continue to give every year.

Creating this kind of educational experience requires the support of everyone who appreciates its value. It takes all of us, and our gifts to the Parents’ Fund, to support the programs that prepare Middlebury graduates to understand the world and contribute to it.

Resources for Families

Middlebury families are a welcome, active, and important part of the community. There are many ways for Middlebury families to get involved with events on campus and online, and a number of support structures so that families can always find what they need. 

Learn more on the Family Resources page.

Learn More

Contact the Parents’ Fund team at parentsfund@middlebury.edu.