Campus Resources
Academic Life
- Queer Studies House (QSH—pronounced kwish) is an academic interest house with the mission of promoting the academic pursuit of queer studies and creating a safe space for students of all sexual and gender identities.
- Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (GSFS) is an interdisciplinary academic field that explores the social construction of gender and sexuality.
Community Living
All-Gender Restrooms are welcome for anyone to use, regardless of gender identity or expression. There are currently 14 non-residential all-gender bathrooms on campus, the locations of which you may learn more about here.
All-Gender Housing is a rooming option in which two or more students may share a multiple-occupancy bedroom, in mutual agreement, regardless of the students’ sex or gender.
Anderson Freeman Resource Center (AFC) provides resources and programming that encourage the holistic development of Middlebury’s increasingly diverse undergraduate student body as they attain their goals of academic achievement and personal growth, while exploring and sustaining their identities and cultures.
Health & Wellness Education supports students’ physical, mental, social, environmental, spiritual, and academic health and wellness by integrating prevention and health promotion into students’ individual and communal lives.
Name and Pronoun Information: Learn about identifying your lived name and correct pronouns in BannerWeb.
Parton Center for Health and Wellness promotes student well-being in a confidential environment. The excellent medical, counseling, and sports medicine staff are available to help if physical, emotional, or interpersonal issues become a problem.
- Middlebury’s Gallagher Student Health Insurance may help cover transitions. Reach to the Student Financial Services with questions about eligibility.
Student Organizations + Initiatives
- AceSpace is an initiative for students who identify as asexual or on the asexual spectrum.
- Queers & Allies (Q&A) is an organization for students of all genders and sexualities.
- Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC) is a an organization where students who identify as queer and/or trans and of color express and explore notions of gender and sexuality in a welcoming space.
- Trans Affinity Group (TAG) is an initiative for students who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender non-comforming, or under the trans umbrella.