Purchasing Related Tax Forms
Use the forms below as needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q How do I obtain a copy of Middlebury’s Form W-9
- Add Date.
- Send copy to Supplier.
Q Where do I obtain a copy of Middlebury’s not-for-profit determination letter from the IRS?
IRS Not-For-Profit Determination Letter
- Some Vendors ask for this letter as proof of not-for-profit status.
Q I need a copy of Middlebury’s Credit Application.
Credit Application Information for Service Building Deliveries
- Send copy to Supplier.
- If supplier insists to have their own credit application filled out, email the form to ap@gmhec.org to be filled out.
Credit Application Information for Bicentennial Hall Shipping
- Send copy to Supplier.
- If supplier insists to have their own credit application filled out, email the form ap@gmhec.org to be filled out.
Q I need a copy of a state sales tax exemption certificate.
- Enter vendor name.
- Enter vendor address.
- Place today’s date on the bottom right of the form.
- Give filled-out form to vendor.
- Enter vendor name.
- Enter vendor address.
- Add date.
- Give filled-out form to vendor.
Vermont Certificate of Good Standing
President & Fellows Sales and Use Tax Registration
- This form needs to be visible to customers at each location where the College charges sales tax.
NOTE: The College is not exempt from charging sales tax when selling certain merchandise. Thus the College Store, Golf Course, Snow Bowl, Rikert, Midd XPress, the Museum, Box Office, etc. are required to charge Vermont sales tax at any Middlebury location.
NOTE: The College is exempt from charging meals and alcohol tax on its premises, thus the Grille, Midd Xpress and Wilson Cafe do not charge taxes.
Outside vendors are exempt from charging meals and alcohol tax on the College’s premises (Campus proper) - events catered off campus need to be charged meals and alcohol tax.
California Withholding Exemption Certificate
- Used in lieu of Form W-9 when dealing with California companies to avoid California State income taxation.
- Enter on first line name of company.
- Submit form to vendor.
- Enter vendor name.
- Enter vendor address.
- Add date.
- Give filled-out form to vendor.
- Allows Middlebury College to withhold Sales and Use Taxes.
- Send with tax receipts to donors.
Connecticut Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
- Enter vendor name.
- Enter vendor address.
- Give filled-out form to vendor together with College’s IRS Determination Letter (see top of page for copy).
Connecticut Meals and Lodging Tax Exemption Certificate
NOTE: Prior approval (at least three weeks prior to the event) from the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) is required.
- Enter vendor name and address
- Mail to the DRS (Address is on bottom of form) together with the College’s IRS Determination letter (see top of page for copy)
- Once DRS returns approved document, keep original in your file for 6 years and give approved copy of Form to vendor
District of Columbia
D. C. Certificate of Registration
D. C. Certificate of Sales Tax Exemption
D. C. Income and Franchise Tax Exemption
Florida Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
Illinois Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
Maine Permanent Exemption Certificate
Maryland Sales Tax Rejection Letter
- We are reapplying now that we have D.C. Office
Massachusetts Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
- Show a copy of this certificate to the vendor.
Massachusetts Sales Tax Exemption Purchaser Certificate
- AND enter vendor’s name and type of purchase on this certificate and give it to vendor.
New Jersey
New Jersey Exempt Organization Certificate
New York
New York Exempt Organization Certificate
New York Sales Tax Exempt Purchaser Certificate
- Only this form is needed.
- Enter vendor name and address and give filled-out form to vendor.
- Rooms and Meals taxes are also exempt (same certificate as above can be used) as long as it is Middlebury business and Middlebury pays for it directly, i.e., via invoice/check or p-card.
Sales Tax Exemption Certificate