ITS strives to realize general excellence in delivering the highest quality of IT services. We encourage our customers, partners and ITS co-workers to recognize exceptional achievement by ITS staff by nominating them for our ITS Champions award.

What Makes an ITS Champion?

Some examples of exceptional achievement could be:

  • Outstanding innovation in the development of a new service or enhancement of an existing service, or in achieving a substantial increase in efficiency, or mitigation of risk.
  • Successful completion of a major objective that directly and clearly advances our Mission, Vision or Values.  Especially if in achieving such a major objective, the individual demonstrated remarkable leadership. This recognition could also go to a group of ITS staff who worked together to attain a significant milestone.
  • Work performance above and beyond the call of duty, delivering consistently excellent results, or an extraordinarily effective response to a crisis.

We invite you to submit a name or group of names of ITS staff that you believe merit recognition as ITS Champions using the form below.  Each quarter ITS leadership will review, discuss and decide if nominations meet the threshold for exceptional achievement and if so, recognize those individuals at our next ITS all-staff meeting!

Nominate ITS Champions

Nominate an ITS Champion

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