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As we make improvements and apply updates for the TDX TeamDynamix System we are communicating these enhancements through MiddPoints and our client portal page (http://go/helpme/).  We want to keep you informed without adding to your email overload.

Here are the improvements we’ve made to TeamDynamix this quarter:

  • Visibility settings are now turned on which allow customers to see their tickets and updates through the client portal no matter where tickets end up across the consortium environment.  It’s now easy to view the status of your tickets in progress.  Simply visit the portal (http://go/helpme/) then click the View My Tickets button.  
  • We worked with the TDX vendor to build in the option to add ticket contacts using email message CC fields.  If someone is CC’d on a message sent to an email monitor, auto ticket creation should now add this individual as a contact to the ticket.  Email sent to addresses now enjoy this enhancement.  We are still testing how this will benefit Middlebury’s tickets as we do not currently use an email monitor; messages sent to are created manually in TDX and CC’d individuals are added manually as well.  We will be investigating email monitors for next quarter.
  • We adjusted TDX Client portal buttons to open pages into the current window instead of opening a new one. This change aligns with accessibility best practices.


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