Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am

Find out all the ways to access library materials from off campus.

All E-resources

To access our library-licensed resources from off campus, Middlebury researchers should begin from one of the links below.

Library Homepage
Starting place for all research
Results include all content to which the library provides access
Library catalog, best for finding materials in the library’s physical collection
Research Guides
Curated resources provided by subject specialists
Middlebury Databases
List of Middlebury’s subscription databases
Middlebury Journals
List of journals to which Middlebury provides access

Library Transition to OpenAthens

The library has changed the system we use to authenticate the use of our online subscription journals and databases.

What you need to know

  • In many cases, you will be able to access a resource directly from a web search, instead of needing to be referred from a library entrance point such as MIDCAT, LibrarySearch, or a subject guide.  
    • If you arrive at a journal landing-page directly from a web-search, look for a drop-down menu that says something like “Institutional Access”
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Middlebury College and Institute Libraries” (please note: you may see entries for just “Middlebury College” or just “Middlebury Institute.”  If so, do not select one of these - it won’t work.)
  • You may see a pop up message from EBSCO about “personal data collection and usage” when you authenticate to view an article or use a database.  This message is in reference to data collection resulting from the creation of personal accounts (e.g., to save your own articles, searches, links, etc.).  While personal accounts can be useful, you do NOT need to create a personal account in order to use library resources.
  • If you have saved or bookmarked URLs containing “ezproxy” – for example as a link in a course web page or in a browser bookmark – you will need to update the URL to the new OpenAthens address. Please contact us for help with this
  • While most of our resources have been successfully converted, as with any project involving literally thousands of changes, we are still finding stray resources that are not linking properly.  If you attempt to access a resource and receive an error message, or notice “ezproxy” in the URL, please send us a message!

Why have we changed things?

We switched from our former proxy service, EZProxy, to OpenAthens in January 2023 primarily because OpenAthens:

  • allows us more flexibility in managing access rights and permissions
  • provides a wide range of usage stats and reporting tools
  • integrates well with the College’s existing single sign-on (SSO) solution.

Again, if you run into problems, please send email eaccess-admin@middlebury.edu or contact us via our go/askus/ page.  If you have general questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Terry Simpkins.



The library provides access to a growing number of e-books. Find them using LibrarySearch or MIDCAT. Visit our e-book guide for instructions and more information.

Films and Multimedia

Streaming Video

The library subscribes to Kanopy, a streaming video platform for education, which provides us with hundreds of titles selected from a large catalog of international, foreign language, documentary, and independent feature films, viewable from browsers, compatible televisions, and other devices.


View our collection of audiobooks and download to your device. Learn how to get started at our e-book and audiobook guide.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Please order physical books only if you can collect them on campus. For remote access to materials, e-books may be available. Off-campus users may request a scan by submitting an ILL request.

Physical Materials

The library doesn’t ship physical items from our collection. To access items from our collections remotely, you may submit an interlibrary loan request for an e-book or digital scan. 

Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections staff are ready to share ways to teach with our archives, rare books, and manuscripts from off-campus or from your own classroom. Our digital collections, hosted on the Internet Archive, include over 35,000 photographs, historic newspapers, yearbooks, course catalogs, films, and more.

Contact us at specialcollections@middlebury.edu to learn more about integrating our collections into your syllabus and class assignments.