What is nonproliferation?

Nonproliferation refers to the attempt to limit the spread of chemical, biological, radiological, and/or nuclear weapons (also known as CBRN or WMD, weapons of mass destruction), as well as their delivery vehicles. Nonproliferation is often discussed in connection with arms control and disarmament, as the three issues are interlinked.

Why nonproliferation?

The Middlebury in DC space houses the DC office of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), which is the largest NGO in the United States focused exclusively on research and education related to nonproliferation issues. As nuclear weapons remain a threat to global security, nonproliferation is one tool which can reduce the threat of nuclear weapons and lead towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Resources to learn more about nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament:

  • CNS has developed a series of educational resources for the Nuclear Threat Initiative, available on their website. Those resources include:
    • Educational tutorials on a broad range of topics in nonproliferation, from the U.S. nuclear budget to chemical weapons nonproliferation.
    • A glossary of common terms in nonproliferation and disarmament 
    • Country profiles of the weapons programs and nonproliferation challenges for over 40 countries
  • Learn WMD is a comprehensive website developed and maintained by Jamie Withorne, a former CNS staffer, with a wide range of educational and career development resources available.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and other opportunities for students in the nonproliferation field:

The following are just a few of the many opportunities available. Fellowships listed are aimed primarily at current undergraduate students and/or recent graduates. Scholarships listed are primarily aimed at funding graduate studies.

Resources for underrepresented communities in the nonproliferation field: