Training and Trips

Middlebury Outdoor Programs and its student organizations offer courses, trips, and expeditions in a wide variety of outdoor activities.
Courses, trips, and expeditions are always subsidized and often are free or have financial aid available through Student Access and Support (SAS) grants. Sign up for training and trips offered by Middlebury Outdoor Programs in Ideal-Logic.
Wilderness Medicine Courses
Wilderness First Aid skills are essential knowledge for all outdoor leaders, as well as those interested in personal adventures. MOP sponsors both Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and Wilderness First Responder (WFR) courses taught by SOLO.
Avalanche Education
In a split second, an avalanche can turn a day of winter fun into a nightmare.
The winter back-country is complex. If you’re venturing into it, you need avalanche education so you can understand the hazards and learn how to manage risk.
Bike Maintenance Sessions
Bike maintenance sessions will cover a variety of topics, and introduce and teach participants how to properly care for, maintain, and keep their bikes in good working order.
AFC Outdoors
AFC Outdoors is an initiative in collaboration with Anderson Freeman Resource Center (AFC) that aims to foster engagement with the outdoors, provide resources for outdoor recreation, and host diverse outings for underrepresented students on campus who want to explore outdoor spaces at Middlebury in a safe community where they feel empowered, represented, and celebrated.