3 staff from Maine Gear Share at Middlebury

Discover more MOP events run by our student organizations on MiddPresence, Middlebury’s Student Engagement Platform.

Upcoming Outdoor Program Events

Sign up for training and trips offered by Middlebury Outdoor Programs on Ideal-Logic.

  • Wilderness First Aid

    Learn how to handle outdoor emergency situations in this two-day Wilderness First Aid certification course, SOLO’s most popular class. You will learn how to stabilize emergencies, dress exposed wounds, treat weather exposure and practice other common survival skills. Like all SOLO courses, students learn both in a classroom setting and through structured scenarios. WFA is a 2-year certification and, for an additional fee, will also recertify a soon-to-expire WFR or AWFA qualification. Although a WFA does not generally include CPR, this course has been set up to result in both WFA and CPR certifications. This course will he held at Middlebury’s main campus. There will be indoor classroom and outdoor scenario practice.

    Registration is required via presence.

    Adirondack Coltrane Lounge

Recent Events

  • Snowman Making! with Middlebury Mountain Club

    Come to Battell Beach to hang out with other Mountain Club members, build the largest snowman ever seen on the Middlebury Campus, and kick off winter carnival!

    To Be Announced

  • No Man's Land Film Festival

    The No Man’s Land Film Festival is coming to Middlebury, VT for the first time! 

    Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)

  • A student is thermo wrapped.

    Wilderness First Responder

    Wilderness First Responder (WFR) is the industry standard for outdoor leaders. This 80-hour certification course covers everything in the WFA curriculum, then exceeds and expands upon these fundamentals in both depth and scope. Patient assessment, traumatic injuries, medical emergencies, environmental injuries, bites and stings, long term care protocols, evacuation procedures, and much more are all addressed. The format integrates classroom sessions with significant practical and scenario-based learning time.

    Adirondack Coltrane Lounge

  • Students are gearing up for their downhill ski down the Chic Chocs.

    Chic Chocs Backcountry Skiing: Feb Break in Gaspesie National Park

    Join Middlebury Outdoor Programs and the Mountain Club for a week-long, February break backcountry ski trip in the Chic Choc mountains! The Chic Chocs in Quebec, Canada, have been heralded as the backcountry skiing mecca of the east and can provide some amazing alpine experiences. There are limited spots and all aspiring participants must fill out an application and be accepted prior to the lottery selection process.
    Being that this is still the EAST, snow conditions can be variable based on weather.

    Off Campus