There are a number of phones located in buildings and parking lots around campus.

Some of the larger residence halls have red emergency phones located in hallways.  When the receiver is lifted on a red emergency phone, a call is automatically placed to the DPS telecommunications center.  All of the large residence halls, equipped with the card access system, have a phone at the main entrance near the card reader.  These phones have both a red emergency button that will automatically place a call to Public Safety, a black button which can be used, in conjunction with the keypad, to dial on-campus phone numbers.

All of the buildings, including the small residential student houses, have campus phones in main hallways, lounges and classrooms. In the event of an emergency, these phones require the caller to dial 911 for police, or 5911 for Public Safety. They may also be used for non-emergency inter-campus calls by simply dialing the college extension. Student dorm rooms do not have a College phone. Many students use personal cell phones and are instructed to program them with Middlebury College emergency phone numbers. Students should also familiarize themselves with the phone locations in residence halls and other College buildings.

Emergency phones are located in several of the larger parking lots used primarily by students. These phones are on black pedestals with blue globes on top. At night, the blue light on the emergency phone is illuminated. These phones have no receiver, but operate via a keypad and speaker system. For emergencies, press the red button and the call will connect directly to the Department of Public Safety. These phones also have a black button that can be used, in conjunction with the keypad, to dial on-campus extensions.


To operate as a college phone push the black button for a dial tone and enter the desired number using the keypad. You may also contact the Department of Public Safety by dialing extension 5911 or “0” to be connected via the college switchboard operator. These phones may also be used to make non-emergency calls. Push the black button again to end the call or stop the dial tone.


Emergency phones are located in the following parking lots:

  • C Lot (FIC)
  • D Lot (Atwater Halls A and B)
  • E Lot (Johnson)
  • Q Lot (Mahaney Center for the Arts)
  • R Lot (Ridgeline)
  • T Lot (Field House/Kenyon)
  • The Track Lot (at the corner of Porter Field Road and South Street)
  • The Kirk Alumni Parking Lot
  • K lot (Robert A. Jones)
  • S Lot (McCardell Bicentennial Hall)
  • North side of Twilight Hall
  • Walkway near Bicentennial Hall and Freeman International Center
  • Walkway between DKE and the Axinn Center and near Twilight Hall