Reporting Procedures
We are all responsible for keeping our community safe. Below you’ll find detail information for reporting an emergency on our Vermont campuses.
An emergency is any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police, fire, or emergency medical services. Some examples: crimes in progress, fire, or a serious injury or illness.
When Reporting an Emergency
- Stay on the line with the dispatcher.
- Provide the address, the location, and a description of the emergency.
- Provide the phone number at your location.
- Describe the incident thoroughly so the dispatcher can send you the appropriate resources.
- If you accidentally misdial, do not hang up! Stay on the line and tell the dispatcher you misdialed as hanging up causes emergency personnel to respond and investigate to ensure there is not an emergency.
For the Middlebury College Campus, Middlebury VT
Emergencies: Dial 911
Ambulance, Police, or Fire Department: 911
Middlebury Police: 388-3191
Public Safety Emergency Line: (802) 443-5911
Public Safety Business Line: (802) 443-5133
Porter Medical Center: (802) 388-4701
For catastrophic emergencies, including medical, fire, smoke, crime, or the carbon monoxide alarm, first call 911 and then the Department of Public Safety.
Emergency Phones on the Middlebury College campus
Emergency phones are located in several buildings and parking lots around campus. If you’re using a personal cell phone, please program them with Middlebury College emergency phone numbers.
In the event of an emergency, dial 911 for the police, or 5911 for Public Safety.
Phones in Buildings
Large residence halls equipped with a card-access system have phones at the main entrances. Each of these phones has a red emergency button that automatically places a call to Public Safety and a black button that you can use, in conjunction with the keypad, to dial on-campus phone numbers.
Some of the large residence halls also have red emergency phones in their hallways. When you lift the receiver of a red emergency phone, a call is automatically placed to the Public Safety telecommunications center.
All buildings, including the small, residential student houses, have campus phones in their main hallways, lounges, and classrooms.
Phones in Parking Lots
Several of the larger parking lots also have emergency phones. These phones are on black pedestals and topped with blue globes that are illuminated at night. These phones work via a keypad and speaker system. For emergencies, press the red button and you’ll be connected to Public Safety. These phones also have a black button that you can use, in conjunction with the keypad, to dial on-campus extensions. You can also contact Public Safety by dialing 5911 or the college switchboard operator by dialing 0. If you wish to contact Midd Rides, call RIDE (x7433) for an escort back to a residence hall. To end the call or stop the dial tone, push the black button once more.
Emergency phones are located in the following parking lots:
- C Lot (FIC)
- D Lot (Atwater Halls A and B)
- E Lot (Johnson)
- Q Lot (Mahaney Center for the Arts)
- R Lot (Ridgeline)
- T Lot (Field House/Kenyon)
- The Track Lot (at the corner of Porter Field Road and South Street)
- The Kirk Alumni Parking Lot
- K lot (Robert A. Jones)
- S Lot (McCardell Bicentennial Hall)
There are also emergency phones on the walkway near Bicentennial Hall and Freeman International Center, on the walkway between DKE and the Axinn Center, and near Twilight Hall.
For the Bread Loaf Campus, Ripton, VT
Emergencies: Dial 911
Ambulance, Police, or Fire Department: 911
Bread Loaf Campus address: 4229 Rte. 125, Ripton, VT
Front Desk, Bread Loaf Inn: (802) 443-2700
Resident Caretaker: (802) 443-7945
Public Safety, Middlebury College campus: (802) 443-5911
Porter Medical Center: (802) 388-4701
For catastrophic emergencies, including medical, fire, smoke, crime, or the carbon monoxide alarm, first call 911 and then the front desk. After hours, all calls to the front desk will be routed to the Department of Public Safety.
- All telephones have emergency instructions and numbers posted near them.
- Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of dormitory doors.
- An automated external defibrillator is located in Treman, which is at 4290 Route 125, Ripton, VT.
Incoming calls will be routed through the front desk—(802) 443-2700—when completed before 11 pm. Emergency calls will be accepted at any time: after 11 pm, these calls are routed to the Middlebury College Public Safety Department on the main campus.
Two exterior emergency phones are located one the Bread Loaf campus: the first is at the laundry building near the Barn parking lot, and the second is at the intersection of Route 125 and College Cross Road near the Annex building.