Cameras on Campus
Middlebury recognizes the importance of utilizing best practices for on-campus safety and security, including integrating technology into its safety planning and practices.
Middlebury recognizes that personal welfare and safety are of paramount importance to those who live, learn, work, and visit our Vermont campus and utilizes the best practices, including the use of technology, in security planning and management to protect the entire Middlebury community.
In an effort to discourage behaviors that threaten personal safety, campus security, or the potential loss of Middlebury resources, security cameras are selectively used on the Vermont campus to observe and record certain public areas, where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Information obtained from the Security Camera System shall be used for safety and security purposes and for investigations pertaining to violations of law and Middlebury policies. The specific functions of the Security Camera System include deterrence, detection, property protection, personal safety, situational awareness and investigative assistance. This Policy details procedures for installation, security, access, monitoring, training, retention, destruction and provides a complaint process. Reasonable measures are used to protect individual privacy and restricted Middlebury information.
Responsible Senior Administrator | Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration |
Policy Contact | Associate Vice President of Safety |
Effective Date | February 25, 2020 |
Last Update | September 5, 2024 |
Next Review Date
Spring 2026. Public Safety convenes representatives from Human Resources, Student Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty, the General Counsel, Facilities Services (Facilities) and Information Technology Services (ITS).
Who Is Affected By this Policy
All individuals on Middlebury’s Vermont campus, including faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
Security Camera System: Any video installation in Vermont by Middlebury with capacity to view or record Middlebury-owned or Middlebury-controlled spaces in order to assess and enhance safety and security.
Recording Systems: Recording systems referenced in this policy are the computerized information storage and monitoring systems (DVR, Digital Video Recording Devices and/or NVR, Network Video Recorder) maintained by the Department of Public Safety and located in a secure location on the Vermont campus.
Vermont Campus: Any property, facility, or grounds owned, leased, controlled or subcontracted by Middlebury that are located in Vermont, including the Bread Loaf campus.
I. Installation and Operation
- Any requests for Security Cameras on Middlebury College property, including the justification for the request, must be submitted to the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee. Public Safety, ITS and Facilities will review all requests, proposals, and recommendations for Security Camera installations, the proposed locations, and related infrastructure needs. The Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee, and the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, in consultation with the appropriate vice president, have the authority to approve, reject or modify the request.
- The Middlebury College Department of Public Safety has the responsibility to coordinate with ITS and Facilities, as well as other Middlebury officials identified herein, to effectively select, operate, manage, and monitor Middlebury’s Security Camera Systems pursuant to this Policy.
- There will be signage on campus generally indicating the presence of cameras.
The installation of non-operational Security Cameras is prohibited. Any camera installed without approval shall be removed at the expense of the installer or owner. Further, placement of unauthorized cameras could result in disciplinary measures up to and including termination (if an employee) or expulsion (if a student).
- The Department of Public Safety is responsible for monitoring recommendations and changes in the security industry regarding the Security Camera System consistent with best practices and all applicable laws. Public Safety is also responsible for maintaining a master inventory of all Security Cameras and monitoring the functionality of the Security Camera System on an appropriate basis in order to make notifications for service or maintenance needs.
- On an annual basis, Public Safety will lead an evaluation of the System in coordination with ITS and facilities.
II. Security and Access to Information
- Images collected by the Security Camera System will be secured appropriately to protect against unauthorized access, alteration or dissemination, and in compliance with legal requirements. All video recording devices and camera software monitoring equipment that is part of the Security Camera System will be stored in a secure location with access to authorized personnel only.
- Security Cameras are streamed into the Department of Public Safety and can be viewed remotely by authorized personnel, including law enforcement personnel. They are not monitored continuously under normal operating conditions but may be monitored for legitimate safety and security purposes that include, but are not limited to: high-risk areas or events, restricted access areas/locations, monitoring of access control systems, in response to an alarm, specific investigations, violations of campus policies, and situational awareness of campus events.
- Security Camera recordings may not be altered, except that they may be edited to create relevant excerpts at the direction of the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee. An unaltered copy of the original recording will be created and retained.
- Public Safety personnel are prohibited from using or disseminating information or images acquired from the Security Camera System, except for official Middlebury purposes and within the scope of their employment. All information obtained and/or observations made via the use of the Security Camera System are considered confidential, are the property of Middlebury College, and may only be used for official College and law enforcement purposes with the approval of the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee.
- Only authorized Middlebury personnel, as determined by the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee, and appropriate vice president, will be involved in, or have access to, Security Camera monitoring or the review and/or release of video recordings.
- Any legal documents (subpoena, warrant, court order) in connection with any criminal or civil action, or for any risk management purpose from an outside entity requesting or directing access to or release of security camera recordings must be directed to the Office of the General Counsel.
III. Retention of Recordings
All Security Camera System recordings shall be stored in a secure College location for a reasonable period of time as determined by Public Safety and ITS. Exceptions include recordings subject to a legal hold, recordings required for criminal or civil legal actions, in connection with an on-going Middlebury investigation or otherwise necessary for Middlebury purposes, as determined by the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee.
IV. Complaints or Violations
Complaints or concerns regarding the misuse of the Security Camera System may be brought to the attention of Public Safety and/or the Office of General Counsel. If a violation has occurred, the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee will consult with the appropriate supervisory official. Misuse of the Security Camera System or any images captured thereby is a serious violation of this Policy.
V. Drones
Drones are prohibited on Middlebury College property unless approved by the Associate Vice President of Safety, or designee, and/or the Vice President of Communications, or designee.
This Policy does not apply to the existing security camera system at the Museum of Art, at this time; nor does it apply to cameras used for purposes other than security (e.g., recording public performances or events, interviews, academic purposes including research, or cameras used for specialized observation such as of ATMs or construction equipment) or recordings made by individuals or authorities, including law enforcement authorities, other than Middlebury.