Noise Complaints
Middlebury seeks to promote the quiet, comfort, and health of the campus, the Town of Middlebury, and surrounding communities. Students found in violation of Middlebury’s College’s Noise Policy or local ordinances will be subject to the following rules.
Noise Complaints Originating Off Campus
Substantiated violations of Middlebury College’s Noise Policy and/or the Town of Middlebury Ordinance for the Regulation of Noise or noise ordinances in any other town will be referred to the Office of Community Standards for review and conduct response, as appropriate to the circumstances. Students hosting off-campus social gatherings are accountable for their behavior and that of their guests.
The Town of Middlebury may also take enforcement action against those who violate its noise ordinances, including fines for each offense. Violations of noise ordinances in other towns may also result in enforcement action by those towns.
Noise Complaints Against Social Houses
Social Houses are responsible for the noise originating at their events. Complaints are dealt with through the IHC (Inter-House Council) system of internal governance in collaboration with the IHC adviser or by the Office of Community Standards.
Noise Complaints Originating on Campus
Residence Halls have the following quiet hours:
Sunday - Thursday 10 p.m. - 7 a.m.
Friday - Saturday 1 a.m. - 7 a.m.
24 Hour Courtesy Hours: Students should be considerate of others and the impact of their actions on the larger community.
Should complaints arise, students are encouraged to approach the individual or group themselves. Where problems cannot be resolved in this way, the complaint should be brought to the appropriate member of the Residential Life staff, or the Department of Public Safety. Repeated offenses may be brought to the attention of the Office of Community Standards for appropriate disciplinary action.