Science and mathematics are a vital and dynamic part of Middlebury’s liberal arts curriculum.

Science and Mathematics at Middlebury

Coming soon.

Students who want the best in STEM education will find it here, as well as a holistic education that fosters a deep and integrative approach to any field of study they choose. Middlebury’s science and math departments blend the high-tech facilities and cutting-edge research typically associated with larger universities with the collaborative learning atmosphere of a liberal arts college. With 11 departments and programs focused on math and both the physical and life sciences, Middlebury not only has a broad range of ways to study the sciences, it gives students the freedom to explore them all.

McCardell Bicentennial Hall
McCardell Bicentennial Hall

Recent Middlebury College STEM Annual Report

Science and Mathematics News and Events

Events Calendar

  • Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series

    “Here Comes the Sun” a Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series talk by Bill McKibben, Schumann Distinguished Scholar Environmental Studies.

    McKibben will reflect on the sudden remarkable explosion of renewable energy around the world. The talk will include the climate implications of this development as well as the cultural and artistic meaning of reconnecting humans with the sun.

    Bill McKibben is founder of Third Act, which organizes people over the age of 60 for action on climate and justice.

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public

  • 1 picture of older woman teaching a young person how to quilt. Purple pink and maroon cloth sewed together in a collage.

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose: Quilting for Change. An Art Exhibit and Quilting Event.

    Reduce Reuse Recycle Repurpose: Quilting for Change. An Art Exhibit and Quilting Event.

    Featuring several decades of work of local quilt artist: Ann Eileen Miller Baker.
    Come learn or share your experience quilting. Bring pieces of clothing you want to turn into a quilt, potholder, wall hanging, etc.  

    *scissors, needles, thread and fabric will be available

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

  • Green, white, and blue square with compass graphic and semi-circle text "YOUR FIELD GUIDE TO WHAT'S NEXT"

    Field Guide for Biology

    Connect with Midd alums at the Biology Field Guide

    McCardell Bicentennial Hall 216

  • Map of American and inequality in populations

    American Inequality: Data, Maps, and Solutions for the Country's Biggest Problems

    Jeremy Ney is the author of a forthcoming book about opportunity and inequality in America and is a professor at Columbia Business School. His research focuses on the geography of opportunity and the ways that interconnected inequalities limit upward mobility for communities. His work has been featured in the New York Times, TIME Magazine, NPR, BBC, and on the TEDx stage.

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Closed to the Public

  • Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series

    “Exporting Extinction: How the International Financial System Constrains Biodiverse Futures” a Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series talk by Audrey Irvine-Broque, PhD Student, University of British Columbia.

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public

  • The 2025 Scott A. Margolin '99 Lecture

    The 2025 Scott A. Margolin ‘99 Lecture in Environmental Affairs presents Dr. Jenna R. Jambeck, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering giving a talk titled “Stories from Sea to Source: Reducing Plastic Pollution.” 

    McCardell Bicentennial Hall 216

    Open to the Public

  • Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series

    Environmental Studies Core Conversations: Success and Failure

    Dan Brayton, Professor of Environmental Studies and Julian W. Abernathy Professor of Literature
    Molly Costanza-Robinson, Professor of Environmental Studies and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Jeff Howarth, Associate Professor of Geography
    Dan Suarez, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and C.V. Starr Fellow in International Studies

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public