Biology at Middlebury provides students opportunities to explore the diversity of life within the tradition of a liberal arts education.

Our Courses

Biology courses cover topics across the field of biology while allowing for in-depth study of sub-disciplines. Students who choose to major or minor in biology take our two introductory courses: Ecology & Evolution and Cells & Genetics. Coursework beyond the introductory level provides depth by including taxon-based organismal courses, research methods courses, and other upper-level courses. Here are the Learning Goals for the biology major.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Biology informs many aspects of our lives. As such Biology faculty are active participants in programs across the larger College curriculum: Environmental Science Program, Global HealthNeuroscience Program, and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Program. Students interested in teaching at the elementary or secondary level a major or minor in Education Studies.

Related Programs

Students collecting river data in the field.

Biology Department faculty are active participants in the teaching of courses that are offered by these programs and supervise research students in each.

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