Mathematics and Statistics
We instill within our students a deep appreciation of the beauty and usefulness of mathematics and statistics by revealing their myriad contributions to our understanding of the natural and intellectual world.

The Department offers two majors: Mathematics and Statistics.
We aim to provide engaging and relevant courses to students at all levels and from multiple disciplines. The fields of Mathematics and Statistics are beautiful, challenging, collaborative, and useful. We invite you to come study with us!
Our course offerings span a range of pure and applied fields:
- Real, complex, and numerical analysis
- Linear and abstract algebra
- Geometry
- Topology
- Graph theory
- Combinatorics
- Number theory
- Math history
- Modeling
- Operations research
- Probability
- Statistics
- Data science
The two core courses for the Mathematics major are Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis. The majority of students in these classes are departmental majors, but they are open to anyone with an interest in improving their mathematical writing and skill with axiomatic arguments. Discrete mathematics classes such as Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Graph Theory are also good places to develop proof-writing skills while encountering interesting applications. Other axiom-based mathematics offerings include Topology, Geometry, Differential Geometry, and Complex Analysis.
Mathematics and Statistics majors can customize their course of study in an applied direction by selecting electives. Students studying economics and science find courses in Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, and the many offerings that engage data and randomness to be particularly valuable additions to their chosen majors.
The 700-level seminar program is a senior-focused experience where our majors pursue an advanced topic in a subject of their choosing.
Collaboration and Research
Students have ample opportunities to work closely with faculty—in their regular courses, in the senior seminar program, and in collaborative research partnerships. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills emphasized in our courses go to the core of a liberal arts education and open up a broad range of professional possibilities for our graduates. While some majors choose to pursue advanced degrees in mathematically related fields, many go on to careers in law, medicine, teaching, business, finance, and various types of consulting.

Our Faculty
We are a department of dedicated teachers and active scholars. We prioritize keeping our class sizes small, even at the introductory level, and pride ourselves on providing an engaged and supportive learning environment in and beyond the classroom.

Back row: Elizabeth Kervick, Jen Crodelle, Becky Tang, John Schmitt, Alex Lyford, Emily Proctor, Steve Abbott