Placement Information
Math Placement
Below is a list of the courses in the Calculus/Linear Algebra Sequence.

Your math background will inform which course is the right one for you to start in at Middlebury. To use the placement chart below, identify the best match for the highest math course you completed in the left-hand column. Then move right to the column that reflects your grade.

Use your results from the above table to look up your next steps below:

For those who place into MATH 0102 and/or MATH 0103, or MATH 0121:
- Students need pre-approval to enroll in these courses. Use the Google Form available at to initiate the pre-approval process for MATH 0121 (Calculus 1). You must be logged into your Middlebury G Suite account (not a personal Google account). You should be prepared to submit your work on the Math Placement Survey available at
- Students who fill out the above form will be notified of your approval status by email. Once a student has pre-approval, they can enroll in any open seats in the approved course during the registration window.

For those who place into MATH 0122 or MATH 0200:
- Students can register for any open seats in Calculus II (MATH 0122) or Linear Algebra (MATH 0200) during their registration window. No pre-approval is required.
Is your class or grade not listed on the table above?
Please come to an advising event or contact
Still Have Questions?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q What is the difference between placement and credit?
Placement is different from graduation credit. Placing out of Calculus I (MATH 0121), for instance, by virtue of a satisfactory performance in a high school calculus class means a student is eligible to enroll in any Middlebury class for which Calculus I (MATH 0121) is a prerequisite. It can also count as one of the six total courses required to complete a minor in mathematics. It does not count as one of the 36 courses required to graduate, however.
To receive graduation credit, students should take the proper advanced placement or IB exam.
- Students who score a 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB exam or a 3 on the Calculus BC exam can receive credit for MATH 0121
- Students who score a 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC exam can receive credit for MATH 0121 and MATH 0122.
- Students who score a 6 to 7 on IB HL MAA can receive credit for MATH 0121 and MATH 0122. The Mathematics Department does not award credit for scores on other IB mathematics exams.
- Students with a grade of A,B, or C on the A-level exam can receive credit for MATH 0121 and MATH 0122
- The Mathematics Department does not award credit for AP results in statistics.
Q What if MATH 0121 or MATH 0122 is a prerequisite for another class I want to take?
Some courses outside of the mathematics department have Calculus I (MATH 0121) and/or Calculus II (MATH 0122) as a prerequisite. If you place out of one or both courses according to our placement chart, then you may satisfy this prerequisite requirement.
- Economics: Calculus I (MATH 0121) is a required prerequisite on many ECON courses; however, if you place into Calculus II (MATH 0122) or higher, for the purposes of the economics major, you may not need to take Calculus I (MATH 0121) in order to meet the prerequisite. Please visit the Economics Department’s Placement Information page to see how your math placement can affect your registration and whether you will require a placement code to register.
- Other departments: Please reach out to the relevant department chair to see if your Calculus placement can satisfy a Calculus I (MATH 0121) or Calculus II (MATH 0122) course prerequisite.
Q Even though I’ve already taken Calculus, can I retake Calculus I (MATH 0121)?
In general, we do not allow students to take courses below their placement level. This follows the College Policy that no student can take a course at Middlebury for which they already have credit, even if the student waives the right to transfer that credit. We do our best to place students in the course that will be best for them, and that will be best for their classmates. When students who have already learned a significant amount of Calculus register for Calculus I (MATH 0121), this can affect the atmosphere of the class and may discourage or even drive away students who feel intimidated by their classmates’ more advanced knowledge.
For example, if you took the AP Calculus AB exam and earned a score of 4 or 5, then you cannot take MATH 0121. Similarly, if you took the AP Calculus BC exam and earned a score of 4 or 5, then you cannot take MATH 0122.
Q Should I take Statistics, Data Science, Calculus, or Linear Algebra?
The question of whether to take statistics, data science, or calculus depends on your interests and future plans.
- Introduction to Statistical Science (STAT 0116) and Introduction to Data Science (STAT 0118) both teach tools and methods that will show up in social sciences like psychology and economics, as well as other disciplines that engage with data—which is essentially all of them at this point! STAT 0116 and 0118 are widely applicable courses. Some programs require some form of a statistics course, taken either in the Math Department or the program’s department. Look carefully at your intended major’s requirements.
- Calculus I (MATH 0121) and Calculus II (MATH 0122): Chemistry and physics require both Calculus 1 (MATH 0121) and Calculus II (MATH 0122). Calculus I (MATH 0121) is required for economics. Other science programs encourage students to follow the calculus sequence and may allow students to swap out a course in their major for certain mid- and upper-level math electives. Look carefully at your intended major’s requirements and elective options. Most applied math courses require a calculus and/or linear algebra background.
- Linear Algebra (MATH 0200) is a great place to experience some mathematics that is not directly related to calculus. It contains a robust mix of theory and problem solving, with applications to computer science and economics among other disciplines. Linear Algebra is also the gateway to the mathematics major and more intermediate level math courses.
Q Is there anything I can do to assess my math knowledge and prepare for Calculus?
To assess algebra and pre-calculus knowledge:
Middlebury is providing students access to ALEKS PPL, an online learning program that will help you access your current math knowledge and provides an individualized path for you to learn and master more math topics that will help you in quantitative courses at Middlebury.
To enroll:
- Navigate to
- Enter the code “JCTVW-XK6FY”
- Confirm the class information. It should say that the Class is “2024-2025 School Year” and that the institution is “Middlebury College.”
- Select “No, I have never used ALEKS before” and create an account. Be sure to use your Middlebury email and enter your Student ID number.
Once you have enrolled, you can begin by taking the assessment. You can work through problems at your own pace. Once you finish the assessment, ALEKS will give you some recommendations on topics to learn or practice.
To assess your knowledge of calculus:
The Calculus Placement Survey is a self-administered set of exercises meant to help you determine the best level of calculus for you.