Join in on a Friendly Campus Competition
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Take part in the Gingerbread House Competition and submit your completed house by Friday, 12/15.
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Take part in the Gingerbread House Competition and submit your completed house by Friday, 12/15.
| by Nicole Veilleux
November is a time of reflection and gratitude, and we have some exciting updates and opportunities to share with you this month.
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Come to the Faculty and Staff Pancake Breakfast on November 15th! 7:30-9:30 AM in Wilson Cafe, McCullough.
| by Nicole Veilleux
As the fall season unfolds, we are excited to bring you the latest news and updates from your Middlebury Staff Council. Check out this month’s update:
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Join us for a coffee break and light breakfast on Friday, October 27 between 7:00-7:45 am in McCullough Crossroads Cafe.
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Join HR, Staff and Faculty Council for a fall gathering on Wednesday, October 18 between 4:30-7:00 pm.
| by Nicole Veilleux
Here’s a glimpse of what September is like for the Vermont, California, and Schools Abroad campuses and check out our September updates. We welcome staff to actively participate in shared governance by joining a committee or actively participating with the Staff Council.
| by Nicole Veilleux
We extend our appreciation to those who worked hard to ensure the smooth operation of summer programs across Middlebury, including Language Schools, School of the Environment, Spanish Community Interpreting, and Bread Loaf. The final days of August are often a whirlwind of activity, including orientation prep, practicum presentations, First@Midd, gearing up for fall classes, etc. Thank you for all your efforts.
| by Nicole Veilleux
(VT) Encanto playing for outdoor family movie night on the Football Stadium Field!