Billing Dates and Details

Middlebury College tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board are billed by semester.  

  • Fall semester: Bill emails are sent to students and authorized parties in late June and payment or enrollment in a payment plan are due on or before August 1.
  • Spring semester: Bill emails are sent to students and authorized parties in early November and payment or enrollment in a payment plan are due on or before December 15.

Refer to Payment Options for information on payment options and methods of payment. 

Billing for Summer Programs, including Language Schools and Bread Loaf School of English students

Billing notifications are emailed starting in mid-April, and payment or enrollment in a payment plan are due on or before June 1.

  • By June 1, bills must be paid in full (see payment options) or the student must be enrolled in a payment plan.
  • Returning students with outstanding balances will not be able to re-enroll or attend summer programs until the balances are paid in full.

Accessing Your Bill

Middlebury uses Nelnet Campus Commerce to provide electronic billing and payment services. Students access their bill and account information online; no paper billing statements are mailed.   

What to Expect

Fall semester billing email notifications are first sent to undergraduate students in early July and Spring semester billing email notifications are first sent to students in November. Students and, once set up by the student, authorized parties receive email notifications when their bill is ready to view at Nelnet Campus Commerce - Middlebury’s billing and payment service.

New students should set up their account at Nelnet Campus Commerce and, if needed, add an authorized party so their parent or guardian can also set up an account to view the bill, make payments, and enroll in monthly payment plans. Parents and guardians will not receive the billing notification emails unless the student has added them as an authorized party and they have completed the set up of their account. 

Financial Responsibility Statement

When you register for any class at Middlebury or receive any service from Middlebury, you accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees, and other associated costs assessed as a result of registration and/or receipt of services. The student agrees that their registration and acceptance of associated terms constitutes a promissory note agreement in which Middlebury is providing educational services, deferring some or all of the payment obligation for those services, and they promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees, and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.