Tuition and Fees
Find Middlebury Schools and Programs 2024–2025 tuition and fees information below.
Middlebury College
For the 2024–2025 academic year, the tuition and fees are as follows:
- Tuition: $67,100 ($33,550 per semester)
- On-Campus Housing and Meal Plan: $19,250 ($9,625 per semester)
- Student Activity Fee: $500 ($250 per semester)
The Tuition fee is for full-time enrolled students taking a normal course load of three, four or five classes per semester. Tuition and fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Middlebury Board of Trustees and are reviewed annually. In addition to the charges listed above, Middlebury requires students enrolled full-time at the College to be covered by a health insurance plan and provides students with the option to purchase comprehensive student health insurance if they will not be covered by another plan. For leaves taken, or switches to remote status made after the first day of classes, the date of your leave of absence or campus departure will determine if you are eligible for a refund based on the College’s refund policy.
There will be no reduction in tuition or mandatory fees for students who study remotely, including in the unlikely event that the College moves to remote classes as a result of the pandemic or any other emergency. This is for two reasons. First, we will continue to deliver the high-quality academic programs and services that our students and their families expect from a Middlebury education. The faculty and staff at Middlebury will continue to devote their resources to delivering excellence in course instruction, student services, and extracurricular activities. Our students will continue to have access to the many services and elements that make Middlebury an outstanding education and experience. The faculty and administration are deeply committed to enriching in-person, virtual, and hybrid instruction so that students receive the benefits accruing from a rigorous academic experience complemented by a compelling community experience. Second, Middlebury’s costs are not going down. The costs of providing a Middlebury-quality educational experience have increased, not diminished, in light of the pandemic. Nor would our model of instruction seek to reduce costs; to the contrary, technology will be used to enhance the Middlebury experience and provide as much individual engagement with students as possible. We also expect that our students will continue to experience significant benefits from all that they will learn at Middlebury and the networks that they will establish as Middlebury students.
Cost of Attendance
The chart below estimates the total cost of attending Middlebury College for fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters as a full-time undergraduate student living on campus.
Tuition | $67,100 |
Student Activity Fee | $500 |
Living Expenses, including Housing (On-Campus) and Food (Meal Plan) | $19,250 |
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment | $1,000 |
Transportation (varies by location) | $1,000 |
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses | $1,000 |
Total Cost of Attendance | $89,850 |
Direct costs (tuition, student activity fee, campus housing, and meal plan) are charges that you will incur on your bill and pay directly to the College. Indirect costs (books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses) are estimated costs that you may incur that are not paid directly to the College.
Off-Campus Students
Full-time students who are approved for off-campus status by Residential Life are not charged a housing fee for the approved semester(s). Approved off-campus students for 2024-2025 are charged $625 per semester for the 50 meal plan, unless another arrangement is made through Dining Services. Residential Life provides more information on off-campus living.
Students are required to enroll in a minimum of two out of four winter (J-term) terms, earning at least two course credits toward the graduation requirement of 36 course credits. All first-year students must enroll in a winter term course their first winter term at Middlebury, and the second credit may be earned by enrolling in a subsequent winter term course, a credit-bearing independent project, or a credit-bearing internship, or by studying abroad and earning winter term equivalent credit. No fees are charged to students for any winter term they complete, and therefore students are not provided with financial aid for winter term. When students opt out of winter term, student accounts are not credited and refunds are not issued.
Late Enrollment Change Fee
Students may declare a voluntary leave of absence without penalty on or before June 1 for the fall semester and October 15 for the spring semester. Students who declare a leave of absence after these deadlines will be assessed a $500 fee. The Student Handbook has more information about voluntary leaves of absence.
Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad
See an overview of Schools Abroad fees and estimated costs for the various locations worldwide.
Middlebury Language Schools
The Language Schools list fees and estimated costs by language and location.
Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English
Bread Loaf’s fees and estimated costs are listed for each of its three campus locations.
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Find the Institute’s tuition information and estimated living costs for its graduate degree and other programs.