Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm

Donations of Books to the Library

The library does not accept unsolicited donations for our general collections. We will consider offers of Middlebury College archives, memorabilia, and rare books for our Special Collections. We may decline gift offers that do not meet our needs, including gifts that duplicate existing resources or require extensive conservation.

Due to IRS regulations, the library cannot appraise gifts. If an appraisal is required for income tax purposes for any gift we do accept, arrangements for and costs associated with the appraisal are the sole responsibility of the donor. Donors are encouraged to discuss their donations and appraisals with their attorneys or tax advisors.

Any gifts we accept may at any time be deaccessioned, sent to other libraries, or sold to provide revenue for the acquisition of new library materials.

Acknowledgment and Receipt

The Library will acknowledge gifts with a letter of receipt, upon request. However, while the receipt will include the number of items donated it will not include an itemized inventory.

Alternative Destinations for Books

If the Middlebury Libraries decline your gift, here are some suggestions for selling or donating your materials:

  • Your local public library
  • Local used books stores
  • H.O.P.E. (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects), a not-for-profit located in Middlebury, Vermont.
  • Better World Books

For additional ideas, visit the American Library Association’s fact sheet on donating books to needy libraries

Gifts of Financial Support

Give an online donation to the Middlebury Libraries here.


Julie Adamo
Director of Collection Strategies and Acquisitions

Rebekah Irwin
Director and Curator of Special Collections

Kaitlin Buerge
College Archivist