Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

We hope you’ve enjoyed Library Mews, which featured felines owned by Middlebury Library employees. Library Mews is going out not with a bang, but a hop and a thump.

Black rabbit sitting on grey and white blanket

Name: Demelza

Age: 2

Place of Origin:

Homeward Bound in Middlebury

Adopted by:

Kaitlin Buerge, College Archivist

Favorite Toy:


Fun fact:

While she takes her name from a character from the BBC Masterpiece series Poldark (based on the novels by Winston Graham published from 1945 to 1953), her name also means “eel house” or “fort on a hill” in Cornish.

Book cover of the novel, Demelza
First edition of Demelza, 1946 (image from Cheltenham Rare Books, England)

If she had a library card…

Depending on her mood, Demelza would place ILL requests (go/ILL!) for English author Winston Graham’s novels, or she would check out seasons 1 through 5 of Poldark from Davis Family Library.


Follow the series

Periodically, we’ve featured a library cat. Demelza (not officially a cat, but more like a cat then a dog or pet fish) marks the end of our series. We’re paw-sing our pet showcase, for now. =^._.^= ∫

Please visit go/librarynews/ for more Library News.

  • Library Mews

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    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

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    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

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    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.