Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 1am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

Submitting publications to Middlebury’s repository is required for faculty and encouraged for staff and students.

Middlebury Digital Collections is home to open access scholarship, research data, historical materials, and research collections. It provides a platform for storage, archiving, preservation, discovery, access, and sharing. Contributed items are submitted in accordance with Middlebury policy, individual departments and programs, or external funding agencies.

To add anything to our collections, you will have to fill out an intake form. The form will vary based on what kind of work you are submitting and contribute to cataloging and future access of the item. If you are unsure how to proceed, please contact Wendy Shook (wshook@middlebury.edu).

Article or Published Work

Open Access Scholarship (OAS) hosts a repository of articles written by Middlebury faculty and staff. When depositing published work to OAS, you will retain your current freedom to publish in any journal that accepts the work. This would apply to articles for edited volumes that do not offer royalties for authors. Any digitized or digital work may be added to OAS, as long as it has permission from the relevant rights’ holder. 


By approving the Open Access Policy, all faculty have agreed to deposit scholarly articles to Open Access Scholarship.


Middlebury staff are encouraged though not required to deposit their publications to OAS. Work deposited by staff follows the same process as faculty submissions.

Waiver and Embargoes

When you submit an article for which you have obtained a waiver or require an embargo period, please indicate restrictions using the “note” field.

Waivers are automatically granted to faculty who wish to opt out of the license for particular publications. Even if a waiver is obtained, Middlebury encourages faculty to submit their articles to the repository. Staff do not need a waiver to opt out.

Submit to OAS Repository


Data is a valuable research product. By placing data into Middlebury’s data repository, Data @ Middlebury, it is preserved and made more accessible for discovery and reuse. Middlebury Library supports data management and other digital research projects.

Inquire about Data Submission

Student Scholarship

With an advisor’s approval, students may deposit senior theses or projects, papers, projects, coursework, or research posters to the Student Scholarship Collection.

Submit Student Work


Patrick Wallace


Digital Projects & Archives Librarian

Davis Family Library 101

Ryan Clement

Data Services Librarian

Davis Family Library 211