LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

Statement on language in archival and library catalogs

Middlebury Special Collections works to describe materials in a way that is respectful to the communities we serve. We recognize that some of our catalog records and finding aids—created years or decades ago—may contain offensive or harmful language. Such language represents biases that have long contributed to the silencing of underrepresented and marginalized voices, and may require updating.

Please contact if you encounter language that you find offensive or harmful in our finding aids, catalog records, digital archive, social media, exhibitions, or elsewhere. Special Collections staff will consider updates that preserve the historical context while expressing an awareness of the potential for language to do great harm.

You may also anonymously suggest a correction.

Reparative Cataloging Project

The Reparative Cataloging Project (RCP) is part of the Middlebury Libraries’ commitment to update racist or outdated catalog records and to amplify underrepresented voices.

This project seeks to address catalog records that are historically inaccurate, offensive, discriminatory, or harmful. It also seeks to make records for works by authors from historically marginalized populations more discoverable by providing greater description and subject access. The RCP began in Special Collections and has led to the updating of library catalog records throughout the Middlebury Libraries. 

Read Special Collections’ news post, New and improved (and inclusive) subject headings in Special Collections.

Read Special Collections’ news post, What Angelina Weld Grimké taught me about Black authors in Special Collections.

See the Middlebury Libraries’ anti-racist statement