About the Office of the Provost
The provost is Middlebury’s chief academic officer, ensuring the quality and integrity of all Middlebury’s academic programs and initiatives and advancing the academic mission of the institution.
In that role, the provost convenes the Provost’s Academic Council (PAC), which is responsible for accomplishing the broader academic mission of the institution and enacting its strategy.
The provost also serves as the senior administrative officer to the Strategy Committee of the Board of Trustees and he sits with Middlebury’s Faculty Strategy Committee and Resources Committee. In consultation with the faculty, senior administration, and the Board of Trustees, the provost develops and implements Middlebury’s strategic plans and initiatives, particularly those that involve multiple programs or locations.
The provost also works with the executive vice president for finance and administration to ensure the appropriate allocation of resources to support these priorities.
Executive Vice President and Provost Michelle McCauley
Our 17th President Laurie Patton appointed Professor of Psychology Michelle McCauley executive vice president and provost in 2024 following an 18-month interim appointment. Michelle joined Middlebury in 1995 and since that time has led and participated in multiple initiatives across the institution. Read more about Professor McCauley’s work at Middlebury.