
The project lead must be either a current student, faculty, or staff at either Middlebury College, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Middlebury Language Schools, Middlebury Schools Abroad, Middlebury School of the Environment, Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English, or Middlebury Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.  

  • Students must apply with a faculty or staff co-lead.  
  • Project leads must be affiliated with Middlebury for the duration of the project. 

We seek proposals that fulfill the following criteria:

  • Impact the Middlebury community rather than an individual.
  • Are not intended to be commercial ventures.  
  • Do not require the creation of a permanent faculty or staff position.

A list of proposals that received funding are available on the Active Projects webpage.


The deadline to apply for this funding is April 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern. Notification of approval, denial, or “needs revision” will be sent by May 3. Successful proposals will receive funding for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025). 

Components of the Application

Proposals for funding are submitted using the application link below. If prompted to create an account, use your Middlebury credentials to access the form.

In addition to completing the form, you should attach a PDF that includes the following:

Project Proposal: Your project proposal should contain a rationale for the project, plans for development and execution, the desired impact, and the benchmarks for success. Project proposals must not exceed two pages in length.

Detailed Budget: Total amount requested must be no more than $10,000. The budget should include revenue estimates if applicable, as well as have costs, estimated or otherwise, for materials and any other anticipated expenditure. Your budget line items should be as specific as possible. Your budget should be one page or less.

Reference Letters (optional): If other programs or departments within the Middlebury community are collaborating on your project, we ask that you submit letters from them indicating their intent to participate in the project if funded. 


Successful Proposals

Should your proposal receive funding, the following reports will be required:  

  • An Assessment Plan will be due before funds are released. 
  • A final summary report will be due one month after the conclusion of the project.
  • Interim reports will be required for multi-year projects

Resources to write these reports are available.  If circumstances warrant a change in the scope of work during the project, a formal request should be submitted via email.


Provost’s Office staff are available to meet with those proposing initiatives, when requested, to help develop their ideas and determine other individuals to consult with before submitting a formal proposal.

Please contact Lisa LaRose at llarose@middlebury.edu if you wish to make these arrangements.


                                              SUBMIT A PROPOSAL HERE