If you observe worrisome behavior or suspect that a potentially dangerous situation is developing, speak up.

If you are wrong, no harm is done. But if you are right, you could avert a tragedy. Violence prevention depends on all of us.

In the event of an imminent or unfolding emergency, dial 911 immediately.

Threat Assessment and Management Team

At Middlebury College, we have a Threat Assessment and Management Team (TAM)—a group of trained professionals who are able to receive, analyze, and respond sensitively to reports of potential violence.

If you believe that an individual on campus has committed or may commit an act of violence, is engaging in behavior or making statements that raise concern about the potential for violence, or otherwise poses a threat to the health or safety of any member of the Middlebury College community, call Public Safety at 802-443-5911 (Vermont campus), or Campus Security at 831.647.4153 (MIIS campus), or make a report to any member of the Threat Assessment and Management Team.

Identifying Concerning Behavior

There are many behaviors that may cause concern for the safety and well-being of an individual or the campus as a whole. The following is not an exhaustive list but provides examples of concerning behaviors or situations:

  • Unusual or abrupt changes in behaviors or patterns
  • Extreme reaction to a loss or traumatic event
  • Preoccupation with weapons, violent events, or persons who have engaged in violent acts
  • Uncharacteristically poor performance
  • References to harming others or planning a violent or destructive event
  • Evidence of depression, hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts/plans
  • Inappropriate responses such as prolonged irritability, angry outbursts, or intense reactions
  • Strained interpersonal relations, isolating behaviors, or low self-esteem
  • Significant change in life circumstances such as loss of job or relationship

Again, these are just examples of behaviors that may cause concern. If you observe or become aware of situations that cause concern for safety, consult with College officials, colleagues, supervisors and report your concerns. Also, if you have concerns about a person or situation, even if you think it may be nothing, you are encouraged to share the information. The information you provide, no matter how trivial it may seem by itself, may be critical to understanding a broader range of threatening behavior.