Academic and Special Interest Houses
Academic and Special Interest Houses are residences where students pursue a common interest and share that interest with the campus community.
Oversight of these houses is the shared responsibility of the Office of Residential Life and the department sponsoring the house.
Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to reside in Interest Houses.
While we understand students may want to consider multiple housing options, out of respect for all groups, applicants who plan to submit requests to multiple housing units (i.e., Social, Academic and Special Interest Houses, Residential Life, etc.) should clearly indicate those intentions on all applications, and if offered more than one option, should correspond with each group about their final decision.
Once a student commits to a program by accepting an offer, they are no longer eligible for any other housing offers or to participate in any further housing processes and are responsible for withdrawing those applications and/or contacting the appropriate group leader. Students are advised to carefully consider any offer before accepting.
Under rare circumstances, if a student is approved to renege on a commitment, they are ineligible to participate in other spring housing processes and will be added to the August Draw process.
Academic Interest Houses
- Arabic House (Sperry House)- 91 Franklin Street
- Chinese House (108 South Main Street)
- French House (51 Franklin Street)
- German House (The Deanery)- 40 College Street
- Hebrew House (131 Franklin Street)
- Italian House (Longwell House)- 90 Hillcrest Road
- Japanese House (20 Adirondack View)
- Portuguese House (236 College Street)
- Queer Studies House (70 Hillcrest Road)
- Russian House (637 College Street)
- Self-Reliance and InSite (Sustainable Design)- 44 Porter Field Road and 97 Shannon Street
- Spanish House (Perkins House)- 122 Hillcrest Road
Special Interest Houses
- Intentional Living (Meeker House)- 46 Porter Field Road
- Interfaith House (Porter House)- 37 Porter Field Road
- Outdoor Interest (Brooker House)- 404 Ridgeline Drive
- Food Studies (Weybridge House)- 28 Weybridge Street
- International House (97 Adirondack View)
Once the school year begins, if you have an interest in any of these programs, you will want to reach out to the house advisor(s). If you need assistance being connected with the house advisor, please reach out to our office at and we will be happy to connect you.
Following the end of the application period, each program will determine to whom offers will be extended, and after receiving commitments from each resident, will provide those names to Residential Life by the deadline.