When you have questions about anything Oracle-related (like your time sheet, an expense report, changing a default EDORDA, or just plain logging in), do you know the quickest way to get help? If not, read on.
With a host of newcomers freshly arrived on campus it’s a great time to spill the beans about Middlebury’s “secret” benefit. LinkedIn Learning is a video-based on-demand instruction resource available to all academic year faculty, staff, and students, both here and at Monterey.
It’s time once again to share some technology resources of possible interest to you as we head into the fall semester, particularly if you are new to campus.
It’s a new year so why not start off with some new skills using Middlebury’s “secret” benefit. LinkedIn Learning is a video-based on-demand instruction resource available to all academic year faculty, staff, and students, both here and at Monterey.
When you have questions about anything Oracle-related (like time sheets, expense reports, or just plain logging in), do you know the quickest way to get help? If not, read on and join those “in the know.”
Information Technology Services (ITS) is once again offering monthly workshops with recent hires in mind called “ITS & You: Technology Services Overview.”