23 Items

  1. FacultySTEM and QuantitativeStudents

    New Fall Half-Credit Courses Begin

    | by CTLR

    The first half-credit courses at Middlebury began this fall semester. The courses vary from religion to an experiential learning capstone. The Middlebury Campus quoted Priscilla Bremser (Math) about the course Mathematical Problem-Solving, “I hope my course gives students with uneven mathematics backgrounds a chance to solidify foundational concepts so that they can succeed in calculus.” Read more of College Tries Out New Half-Credit Course System This Fall.

  2. FacultyStudents

    New for Fall 2022 Students Can Register for Half-Credit Courses

    | by CTLR

    The Registrar announced students will be able to register for half-credit courses this fall that run for the entire semester but meet only one day per week, any exceptions to this meeting pattern will be noted in the description. Half-credit courses are labeled in Banner 9, the searchable course catalog, and on the course schedule under the instruction mode. For more information, see the Middlebury Campus article and the Registrar’s FAQs.

  3. FacultyStudentsWriting Center

    Eleven Students Receive Ward Prize for First-Year Writing

    | by CTLR

    On Thursday, January 13, participants gathered on Zoom to celebrate the nominees for the Ward Prize in First-Year Writing for 2020-21. Rather than having one winner and two runners-up, as in past years, the committee selected 11 of the 30 nominees to receive the prize. The change allows for a broader range of styles and disciplines to be adequately represented and recognizes there isn’t one dominant voice in student writing that can be deemed best. Read more about the celebration and see the digital book of essays.

  4. FacultyStudents

    Completed Student Response Forms Increase 40% When Done during Class Time

    | by CTLR

    As the semester comes to an end, Dean of Curriculum Grace Spatafora asks faculty to allow students time in class to complete their Course Response Forms. In a recent email, she stated “response rates are typically between 80 and 90% when students are provided class time to complete these forms, and they drop to well below 50% when we rely on students to complete the forms outside of class.” Instructions on how to manage Course Response Forms will be sent to faculty in a separate email shortly. Online information can be found from Academic Affairs.