Ward Prize
The Paul W. Ward ‘25 Memorial Prize competition recognizes annually those first-year students who are judged by the faculty to have produced outstanding writing in writing classes during that academic year.
The prize was established in 1978 by Paul W. Ward’s widow, Dorothy Cate Ward ’28, their daughter Marren Ward Meehan ’62, and their son-in-law Tom Meehan ’62. In her letter to the College Mrs. Ward wrote the following:
“This prize is offered in memory of Paul W. Ward, whose life-long career as a journalist and diplomatic reporter bought him both the Pulitzer Prize and the French Legion of Honor. During his long career he emphasized the use of basic English as a writer’s most necessary tool. Precise and exact usage of words, exact meanings, phrases expressed lucidly and gracefully, seemed to him the most direct and understandable means of communicating with his readers. We, his family, hope these beliefs and standards will furnish the criteria on which this prize will be judged.”
And so they have, every year, since 1978.
Celebration and Digital Book
Join the Writing and Rhetoric Program and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research as we celebrate first year writers and their nominated writing on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 4:30-5:30pm in room 232 of the Axinn Center.
Digital Books from Past Nominees
Past Award Winners
Please help identify and encourage academic excellence by submitting a copy of your first-year students’ best papers.
Please use this link to the Ward Prize nomination form for 2024-2025 The Deadline for these nominations is June 15, 2025.
Every student whose writing is submitted will be recognized at a celebration held during fall or winter term. Their writing will also be highlighted in a digital book, podcast, blog, or other student-centered publication.