10 Items

  1. Undergraduate Research

    Maia Sauer '22 on Senior Thesis Funding in Dance Magazine

    | by CTLR

    Kellogg Fellow Maia Sauer ‘22 was recently quoted in How to Make the Most of Each Phase of Your College Career in Dance Magazine. Talking about professional skills and planning for her senior thesis she said, “I remember being in the thick of it and feeling like, Really? You’re going to make me do a mock budget for my thesis? I felt resistant to it then, but now I realize how helpful that was.” See more info about senior work funding.


  2. FacultySTEM and QuantitativeUndergraduate Research

    Clinton Cave (Neuroscience) and the Value of Undergraduate Research

    | by CTLR

    Clinton Cave (Neuroscience) was recently featured in TheScientist where he talks about the value of undergraduate research. “Middlebury’s undergraduate focus…is a real strength because it gives students early access to sophisticated labs, setting them up to succeed in STEM careers. It’s especially important that he help first-generation students, students of color, and women see a path forward, he says. ‘And it’s very rewarding to be able to pay for the mentorship that I’ve received over the years.’” Read more of Clinton Cave Investigates How Brain Cells Communicate.

  3. FacultyUndergraduate Research

    Winter Term Course Chronicles the Pandemic in Vermont

    | by Amy Morsman

    Middlebury History Professor Amy Morsman shares how her Winter Term course on chronicling the pandemic in Vermont impacted students. Partnering with the Vermont Folklife Center, the course resulted in a series of stories published in the Addison Independent. The Project-Based Learning course was also supported by the Academic Outreach Endowment through the Center for Community Engagement. Read more