If you are hiring a student summer research assistant (SRA) or requesting a volunteer (any research assistant not paid through Middlebury College) this summer, the position must be approved by Undergraduate Research.


Submitting the SRA Form (available now): Faculty need to complete the SRA form once they have identified funding and a student. This will get you on our list and we can work with you and other offices on campus to follow up on or resolve any issues. Faculty who need funding can apply for the March 1 deadline.

The SRA Form is due April 17 for students needing campus housing (available for the research period of June 10-August 16). For fully remote SRAs, this form is due two weeks prior to the start date to allow enough time to set up the position.

Summer Research Program Updates

For approval, you must submit a Summer Research Assistant form.

2024 Important Dates

April 17 - SRA Form Deadline

April 30 - Student housing applications close

May 27 - Summer employment period begins

June 8-9 - Summer on-campus housing first arrival dates

June 16 - Dining Halls open

June 22-23,  July weekends (with Residence Life planning) - Additional arrival dates for on-campus housing

August 18 - On-campus summer housing ends

September 8 - Summer employment ends


Important Notes

Summer Research Start and End Dates

For campus-based research, SRAs will have access to campus housing for the research period June 10-August 16 (with weekend arrival/departure dates). If your research needs to take place outside of those dates and your SRAs will need campus housing, please note that on the SRA form. If your SRAs are not living in campus housing, you can select start/end dates at any point during the summer employment period.

Student Status 

SRAs do not have enrolled student status during the summer, therefore, they do not have the same housing, dining, or access privileges as during the academic year and need to apply to live on campus. No student should be in a nonpublic facility, such as a research lab, who is not registered in some capacity.

Payments, Housing, and Dining

Campus housing and dining will be available for students whose SRA form is submitted by the April deadline, with some limits on dates and availability. Faculty only need to submit the SRA form. Students will complete a housing/dining form sent by Housing in April. SRAs are responsible for all housing and dining charges. See go/seo for current rates. SRAs will be paid through payroll, submitting timesheets for faculty approval. In cases where this is not feasible, we will distribute a stipend to the student.

Non-Middlebury Students

Non-Middlebury students working as SRAs will be paid through a stipend. These students are responsible for registering for campus housing and dining plan charges, if they choose to sign up for these services. If chosen, campus housing and dining plan costs will be deducted from  stipend payments. 

Faculty Supervision

Because this is also a pedagogical experience, we expect faculty mentors and student research assistants to be meeting regularly and typically in person.

Work Location

Research may take place on and off campus, depending on the project. Please discuss with us any significant off-campus portions of research as we have limited funding outside of student stipends to support expenses.

A student’s location during the time of work may impact how they can be paid and their compensation rate so it is important to include that information on the SRA form.

Steps for SRA Setup

  1. Read the Summer Research Assistant Policies These policies must be followed to have the position qualify.
  2. Identify your funding options and apply for Undergraduate Research funding if needed by the March 1 application deadline.  Students are usually funded through faculty grants, Undergraduate Research funds, or other Middlebury funding.
  3. Submit the Summer Research Assistant form as completely as possible by the April deadline. The SRA form for 2024 will be available in mid-March. The form is due in April for students needing on-campus housing. This form is required regardless of the source of funding. It will go to Undergraduate Research for approval and then be forwarded to Human Resources.
  4. Student responsibilities: The student will complete an application which includes the information previously included in the summer employment contract. Housing and Dining will then reach out to students directly.

Tips for Filling Out the SRA Form

  • If you anticipate hiring an assistant but won’t have confirmation of the grant (or the student to hire) at that point in time, please still submit the SRA form by the deadline. No contracts will be accepted for housing after the deadline.
  • Include a title of the research project, a description is not necessary—if we are not familiar with the project or need additional information, we will contact you.
  • Include a funding source, indicate if it is undetermined, or if the position is a volunteer (not paid through Middlebury College).
  • Fill out the number of hours per week (estimated), the number of weeks, maximum amount to be paid, start/end dates and work locations for supervisor and student.

Payment Guidelines

Research positions are considered mentored training, should be 20-40 hours a week. Because the nature of some research necessitates extended and/or unusual hours, mentored faculty-student collaborative research positions will need to clearly communicate expectations and monitor hours appropriately. SRAs are paid through timesheets. Please contact us regarding students who will not be working in the US or need other compensation arrangements.

The 2024 rate is $570 for a 40-hour week or $14.25 per hour. 


Students doing collaborative research with Middlebury College faculty who are not compensated through Middlebury College (external grant or college funding) are considered to be Middlebury College volunteers, even if they are receiving stipends directly from a grant or other source not administered by Middlebury. Summer volunteers without external funding are strongly discouraged. Undergraduate Research needs to be contacted for volunteer approval prior to any agreements with students or other institutions. 

Faculty need to submit a volunteer form and requests for on-campus housing will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Campus Housing Guidelines

SRAs are eligible for on-campus housing and/or dining plans, which will be charged to their student bill. Students are responsible for paying their housing and dining costs. Positions funded by college funds are not eligible for room and/or dining supplements. External grant funds may not be used to cover room and/or dining unless the grant was specifically budgeted and the request is reviewed by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs.

  • Research assistants will be housed according to the dates on the SRA form. 
    • Summer housing will be available from June 8-August 18. If your research requires SRAs to have campus housing outside of these dates, we will follow up with you and housing on this.
    • The 2024 campus housing rates are $100/wk for financial aid recipients, $145/wk for students not receiving financial aid and for non-Middlebury student researchers.
    • The first arrival dates are June 8-9. See additional arrival dates above.
    • Contact ur@middlebury.edu if the research work requires different arrival, start or end dates.
  • An optional dining plan will be available. See go/seo for current rates. Dining halls opening 6/17. See information on summer dining.
  • Students must have a minimum of 30 hours per week to be eligible for campus housing during weeks of employment. Students with only 20 hours per week in a research position must add another on-campus job of at least 10 hours per week to be eligible for housing.
  • Housing charges are weekly (Sun-Sat) and may extend beyond actual start and end dates. Monday start dates and Friday end dates are recommended. Students cannot access their room until one day prior to their start date and have one day past their end date to move.
  • Indicate if there are any extended breaks in employment.
  • See full summer housing and dining details through HR.


Additional resources for positions with travel are the Global Committee’s page traveling with or sponsoring students abroad and Middlebury’s handbook travel policies. Note students are not eligible for travel advances. They can be paid a very modest per diem or the faculty supervisor can request the advance.


If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact us at ur@middlebury.edu.