About SensusAccess
SensusAccess is a web-based, self-service application that allows users to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate and accessible formats.
- It’s free to everyone with a Middlebury email account.
- It’s useful to everyone. Listen to your homework while taking a walk, sitting on a bus, reclining in a dark room, doing your laundry. Turn that image of text into something you can search and annotate.
- It’s private. You submit the files and you get the email when the transformation is complete.
- Fast conversion is available 24 hrs a day.
Click on the link below and follow the onscreen prompts. The form expands as you make your selections.
Follow the four easy steps below to have your document converted into an alternative, accessible format.
- Upload the file
- Select Output Format
- Specify options
- Enter your Middlebury email address and submit request
The result will be delivered in your email inbox. You may upload a file, enter a URL to a file or simply type in the text you wish to have converted.
As a condition of using this service, all users must comply with applicable law, including copyright laws. By using SensusAccess, you assert that you have legal authorization to access and duplicate these materials, such as appropriate permission or qualification as fair use under the law.
Download or Print Instructions
Print formatted instructions for download including below conversion lists.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q How will I know the file has been successfully submitted?
A receipt displayed will inform you the file has been successfully submitted.
Q Can multiple documents be submitted at the same time to SensusAccess Service?
Yes. Multiple files for conversion can be submitted with a single request. Please note that ALL files must be of the same file type and all files will be converted to the SAME target format.
For example, to send multiple documents, after clicking Choose Files, select all of the documents you want to send and then click Upload.
Q How long is the average turnaround time for conversion using SensusAccess?
Turn-around time varies: from a few minutes (smaller documents) to a few hours (document to MP3 audio file) depending on the size and type of the source document and type of conversion.
Once the conversion is finished, you will receive an email from the SensusAccess service. The subject will note the message is from SensusAccess and will include the name of the file that was processed.
Q Is there a limit to the size of the files you can upload to SensusAccess?
Yes. The file size is limited to approximately 50 MB. For files larger than 64 MB, if possible, reduce the file size (e.g., divide it into smaller sections).
Q Can I submit an MP3 file and get a textual document back?
No. SensusAccess does not currently support voice recognition from audio files, although the vendor is considering this functionality in the future as voice recognition software matures and improves in quality.
Q Does SensusAccess convert from language to language?
No. SensusAccess does not currently support language-to-language translation, although the vendor is considering this functionality as translation software matures and improves in quality.
Q How can SensusAccess be used to create tagged PDF documents?
SensusAccess has several options for converting documents into tagged or coded PDF. The best tagged PDF files are usually created from accessible source documents, for example, from a well-structured and fully tagged Word document. However, with SensusAccess you can also create tagged PDF files from other source documents.
The list below explains the main options for creating tagged PDF files using SensusAccess:
- Word and PowerPoint to tagged PDF: In this case, the semantic structure of the source documents are used to create the document structure in tagged PDF document. Learn more about creating tagged PDF in Office here.
- Untagged PDF to tagged PDF: SensusAccess always assumes that a submitted PDF document is untagged and uses its OCR engine to recognize the text, identify images and other elements, and reproduce the reading order of the document. The quality of the tagged PDF depends highly on the quality of the incoming document.
- Image file (TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP etc) to tagged PDF. The process is similar to the one described for Untagged PDF to tagged PDF. The OCR engine is used to recognize the text, identify images and other elements, and reproduce the reading order of the document. The quality of the tagged PDF depends highly on the quality of the incoming document.
Q How is the privacy of the user protected using SensusAccess?
The SensusAccess workflow is entirely automated and no humans are involved in the conversion process. Documents and conversion requests can be uploaded on encrypted connections and once a conversion is completed, all traces of it are deleted except for a few anonymous details used by Sensus for statistical purposes (e.g., file type).
Please note there is inherent risk that user provided information could be inadvertently disclosed to others and therefore this service is not recommended for materials containing confidential or private information.
Q What happens with documents after they are processed with SensusAccess?
Documents submitted for conversion by SensusAccess are deleted immediately after the conversion has been completed.
Q I tried to send a document for conversion but I got nothing back. What's wrong?
Several things may have gone wrong.
- Did you enter your email address correctly? If you aren’t sure, resubmit your document, being careful while typing your email address.
- Did the email from SensusAccess get caught in your spam filter? Check to see if it is in your junk-mail folder. If it is, mark it as not junk and/or add it to your Safe Senders list.
- Did you allow enough time? Turn-around time ranges between a few minutes to a few hours depending on the size and type of the source document and the requested conversion. Smaller documents are processed within minutes. Large documents - for example textbooks in image-only PDF - may take several hours to convert into a Microsoft Word document or MP3 audio file.
Q I'm trying to upload a document, but cannot get beyond step 1 - Upload your document. What is wrong?
Your session may have timed out. SensusAccess form maintains choices, such as your language selection, for about 20 minutes. If you do not seem to be able to get beyond step 1, try reloading the form. If problems persist, please contact the help desk.
SensusAccess Conversion Matrix
Input Formats
The input format DOC
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF.
- Can be converted to DAISY Full Text/Full Audio and DAISY Text Only.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format.
The input format DOCX
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF.
- Can be converted to DAISY Full Text/Full Audio, DAISY Text Only and DAISY Math Full
- Text/Full Audio.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format.
The input format PDF
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF, DOC, DOCX, CSV, XLS, XLSX, RTF, XML and HTM.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format. Asian languages not supported.
The input formats TXT and ASC
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format. Asian languages not supported.
The input format XML
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to DAISY Full Text/Full Audio and DAISY Text Only.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format. Asian languages not supported.
The input format HTM and HTML
- Can be converted to Braille in HTML format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format.
The input format RTF
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF
- Can be converted to DAISY Full Text/Full Audio and DAISY Text Only.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format.
The inputs formats TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX, and DJV
- Can be converted to Braille in TXT and PEF format.
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB, EPUB3 with Media Overlay and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to plain text in TXT format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF, DOC, DOCX, CSV, XLS, XLSX, RTF, XML and HTM.
- Can be converted to audio file in MP3 format. Asian languages not supported.
The input format EPUB
- Can be converted to e-book in MOBI format.
The input format MOBI
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB format.
The input formats PPT and PPTX
- Can be converted to e-book in EPUB and MOBI format.
- Can be converted to Tagged PDF and RTF.
- Can be converted to HTML
Output formats
- Braille in TXT and PEF format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, ASC, XML, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Braille in HTM format may be produced from HTM and HTML documents.
- E-books in EPUB and EPUB format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, ASC, XML, HTM, HTML, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX, DJV, EPUB, MOBI, PPT and PPTX documents.
- E-books in EPUB3 with Media Overlay format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, ASC, XML, HTM, HTML, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- E-books in EPUB3 format may be produced from DOCX documents.
- Text files in TXT format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, ASC, XML, HTM, HTML, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Tagged PDF documents may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Documents in DOC and DOCX format may be produced from PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Spreadsheet files in CSV, XLS and XLSX format may be produced from PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Files in RTF format may be produced from PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX, DJV, PPT and PPTX documents.
- Files in XML format may be produced from PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
- Files in HTML format may be produced from PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX, DJV, PPT and PPTX documents.
- Structured audio books in DAISY format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, XML and RTF documents.
- Structured audio books containing math in DAISY format may be produced from DOCX documents.
- Audio files in MP3 format may be produced from DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, ASC, XML, HTM, HTML, RTF, TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX, DCX, J2K, JP2, JPX and DJV documents.
Resources and Feedback
SensusAccess Videos
Converting documents into DAISY with SensusAccess
Converting documents into MP3 audio files
SensusAccess Guides and Best Practices
Provide Feedback
We want to hear from you about this service. If you’re finding SensusAccess useful or having problems using it, please contact the CTLR at
You can also give SensusAccess feedback regarding the accessibility of their application at
Updated 9/11/20