Students hanging out in a comfortable dorm room.

Residence Hall heating can be adjusted to your comfort level.

My room is too HOT My room is too COLD
Turn your thermostat down to snowflake Turn your thermostat away from the snowflake (start at 5 and then adjust up as necessary.)
Close your windows (the cooler air is telling your thermostat the room needs heat!) Make sure your windows are closed properly.
Give your room a fews days to adjust. Give your room a fews days to adjust.

If after a few days your room temp does not adjust, contact your Residential Life staff and they can place a work order.


The 2024-2025 Environmental Council Thermal Comfort Policy Committee has worked with the DRC, Dean Jack Byrne, Facilities Department, and HR to approve the “Current State” Report which includes updates to the 2012 Thermal Comfort Policy: current systems overview, energy efficiency, and accommodations.