Summer FAQ
Summer Employment FAQ
Q If I choose to live off campus can I still participate in the summer meal plan?
Students living off campus may participate in the meal plan if they choose.
Q Can I work remotely from outside the state of Vermont?
Remote work from within the United States is allowed however work from international locations is not permissible. All remote workers will need to complete a remote work agreement.
Q Why are Medicare and Social Security being taken out of my paycheck?
During the academic year, students that are enrolled at least half time at Middlebury are exempt from having Medicare or Social Security (also known as FICA) taxes withheld from their earnings as a Middlebury employee. This exemption does NOT apply during breaks lasting 5 or more weeks (summer break).
The first pay period of the summer in which FICA taxes are withheld is pay period BW12 (5/29 - 6/11). This is the first pay period in which Summer Research Assistants can be paid.
Q Will I get paid for any breaks I take during the day?
According to the Vermont Dept. of Labor:
“An employer must provide its employees with “reasonable opportunity” to eat and use toilet facilities in order to protect the health and hygiene of the employee.
Federal law mandates that if an employer provides a lunch period, it is counted as “hours worked” and must be paid UNLESS the lunch period lasts at least thirty minutes and the employee is completely uninterrupted and free from work.”
Q Can I choose off campus housing for one employment period and on campus housing for another?
No. Students may choose to either live off campus or request on campus housing. Whatever option the student chooses will apply to the entire summer.
Q Will the fees for summer housing and meals be automatically deducted from my paychecks?
No, the expectation is that students will make payments bi-weekly with their student employment earnings through BannerWeb or the Cashier’s Office in the Service Building. Students that prefer to pre-pay for room and board can do so with a check (or cash) for the total amount for the summer.
Q Can I work while enrolled in the Language Schools?
No, students are not eligible to work while attending the Language Schools because of the intensity of the program and the Language Pledge®.