Apply for CPT
On this page you will find guidance on the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) application process for both Middlebury College and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.
For Middlebury College Students
Through separate processes, undergraduates may be eligible to apply for our credit-bearing winter term internship course at the College or our summer internship fieldwork course offered by the Middlebury Institute to qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization. For both options, it is important to consult the CCI internships webpage and the main ISSS CPT webpage for more information.
Summer Term CPT Application for Off-Campus Training
Middlebury College undergraduates who wish to pursue a summer internship in the U.S. and obtain Curricular Practical Training (CPT) approval should begin the process by reviewing all the CPT information on the ISSS CPT webpage, and should also consult the CCI Summer Internships for Credit webpage for instructions of how to apply.
- Students apply to register in the Middlebury Institute’s summer fieldwork course through the CCI Fieldwork Application link on the CCI site.
- The application requires students to submit essential information that ISSS will need to approve CPT. So, your application for the summer fieldwork course also serves as your application for CPT.
- Students may only begin the internship on or after the CPT start date on their updated I-20; CPT authorization dates should include any training or orientation that may be required before the internship begins.
- Please follow all the instructions very carefully and pay attention to details to ensure a smooth process!
Winter Term CPT Application for Off-Campus Training
Important Note Before Starting your CPT Application
You will be required to upload the following documents when you submit your CPT application; they are found on the ISSS Forms and Resources page under the “Student Employment Authorization” heading:
- Winter Term Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter
- Winter Term Advisor Confirmation Form
Winter Term 2025 Dates
January 06 – 31, 2025
- The internship start date must be on or after January 06, 2025.
- The internship end date must be before or on January 31, 2025.
- Internship must be at least four weeks long and a minimum of 25 hours/week
For the purposes of CPT authorization, full-time is defined as more than 20 hours per week. Part-time is 20 hours per week or less.
How to Apply
Follow these steps:
- Apply for a winter term internship for credit through CCI. Be aware there are application deadlines each year. Be sure to review the CCI Winter Term Internship Timeline and Checklist.
- Once your internship application has been approved by CCI, complete the ISSS Winter Term CPT Application that can be found on the ISSS Forms and Resources page under the “Student Employment Authorization” heading. It is an online form that will require the submission of an Advisor Confirmation and Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter. (See above for the Important Note Before Starting your CPT Application. You must have the required materials ready before you apply.).
- CPT is granted by ISSS and does not involve a government agency.
- There is no cost to apply for CPT.
- For students approved by the internship organization to pursue the internship remotely or in a hybrid format, the CPT Internship Offer Letter from the organization must indicate the student’s physical location and outline the measures in place to ensure oversight of the training experience
After the application is submitted:
- ISSS will review your application to determine if you and the opportunity qualify for CPT.
- If approved, ISSS will update your SEVIS record with an endorsement for CPT and issue an updated I-20, showing the dates of authorization and details about the internship sponsor. This can be used to satisfy I-9 requirements at the organization.
- An F-1 student must receive CCI approval and the I-20 with CPT approval from ISSS before starting the off-campus experience during Winter term.
- Students may only begin the internship on or after the CPT start date on their updated I-20; this includes any training or orientation that may be required prior to the internship beginning.
For Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Students
Institute students need to review the “CPT Presentation (for Institute Students)” on the Forms and Resources page in the Student Employment Authorization section. This presentation has specific details about CPT regulations and policies at the Institute.
Application Process
The student must:
- Obtain a letter from the company or organization with details about the internship/fieldwork position. See Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter Guidelines for details that must be included.
- Request the CPT Recommendation Form from the course instructor (except if using registration in the Fieldwork course to qualify for CPT).
- Submit the CPT Application (if using a course other than Fieldwork to apply for CPT) or the Fieldwork Enrollment application, as is applicable to the situation.
- Be sure to submit a complete application, containing all the required documentation.
The company/organization:
- Provides the student with an offer letter for the experience for which CPT is being requested.
- The letter from the employer must be on company letterhead and provide information needed to approve the off-campus training request. See the Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter Guidelines (linked above) for details.
The course instructor or academic advisor:
- Based on a request from the student, the instructor or academic advisor completes the CPT Recommendation Form and provides it to the student to submit with their CPT Application to ISSS.
- This recommendation form provides a confirmation to ISSS that the student is enrolled in a course that requires the off-campus experience.
Note: The Fieldwork Enrollment Application does not require the CPT Recommendation Form. For students pursuing the fieldwork course, approved registration in the course is sufficient.
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS):
- Reviews CPT application and supporting documentation submitted by the student.
- Upon approval, will print I-20 with CPT authorization for student.
- Student will receive an email from ISSS once the updated I-20 has been issued, along with information about how to maintain status while engaging in off-campus training.
CPT Application for Off-Campus Training
Use this application if you are applying for CPT based upon enrollment in a course, other than the Fieldwork course, that requires participation in an off-campus experience. Courses include, but are not limited to:
- International Professional Service Semester (IPSS)
- Practicum Course for your program (required or elective)
Important Note Before Starting your Application
You will be required to upload the following documents in the CPT Application:
- A letter from the company or organization hosting the internship. The Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter Guidelines (linked in the Application Process section above) lists the required details. This supplemental letter (which may be distinct from your offer letter) contains information needed to request enrollment in the Fieldwork course and is also used by ISSS for the CPT approval process.
- CPT Recommendation Letter, completed by the course instructor.
- Unofficial Transcripts, printed from BannerWeb, which shows enrollment in the course for which you are requesting the CPT approval.
An F-1 student must have received approval and the I-20 with CPT approval before starting the off-campus experience. Approved students may only begin the internship experience on or after the CPT start date and must end on or before the CPT end date.
Fieldwork Enrollment Application
- Use this application if you intend to request enrollment in the Fieldwork Course and CPT for your off-campus internship.
- To be eligible to enroll in the course, students must meet the F-1 student CPT eligibility criteria.
- Prior to enrolling in the course, students arrange for their own internship or fieldwork, which they then undertake at the same time they are enrolled in the course. The internship start and end dates must be within the bounds of the course session dates.
- This course satisfies the credit-bearing course requirement for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization eligibility, as long as the experience relates to the student’s field of study (program), and the student meets all other eligibility criteria.
Important Note Before Starting your Application
- Obtain a letter from the company or organization hosting the internship, which you will upload in the application. The Internship/Fieldwork Supplemental Letter Guidelines (linked in the Application Process section above) lists the required details. This supplemental letter (which may be distinct from your offer letter) contains information needed to request enrollment in the Fieldwork course and is also used by ISSS for the CPT approval process.
- Please contact your internship host in advance of completing this application if you do not already have an offer letter with the required information.
Once your application has been submitted, please note that you will receive two emails:
- One from the instructor of the course, confirming enrollment in the course
- The second from ISSS, once the CPT has been approved. Please allow 7-10 business days from the confirmed date of enrollment in the course for ISSS to process the CPT request.
An F-1 student must have received approval and the I-20 with CPT approval before starting the off-campus experience. Approved students may only begin the internship experience on or after the CPT start date and must end on or before the CPT end date.
Fieldwork Enrollment Application
updated 11/05/2024