Specialized Areas
Field Work
Middlebury faculty, staff, and students who will be leading or supervising field activities or performing unsupervised field work should complete the on-line Field Safety training module before fieldwork occurs.
It is also recommended that before any field work is initiated a Field Safety Plan be prepared and shared with members of the field team, and a copy kept on file on campus. A Field Safety Plan form has been designed to assist you in evaluating the risks involved in planned field activities so a comprehensive safety plan can be developed.
Related Resources
- Vermont Department of Health for information about health concerns related to being outdoors
- National Weather Service for latest reports before heading out into the field.
- Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae) Tracker for worksites near or in the water.
- Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department for hunting dates to know when to be extra cautious.
Middlebury faculty, staff, student workers, and student researchers who will be working or supervising work with lasers should complete the on-line Laser Safety training module. This training does not replace laser specific training in individual laboratories; but rather provides general information related to lasers and their use.
Related Resources
- Information on laser classes and associated hazards
- OSHA’s Safety and Health Topics devoted to lasers
- OSHA’s Technical Manual (OTM) Section III: Chapter 6 on lasers