McCardell Bicentennial Hall: 8am - 12am

The Laboratory Safety Committee works to promote a culture of safety within the Middlebury Sciences.  Members serve as liaisons to their respective departments, and work with the Chemical Hygiene Officer to regularly review, update, improve and implement Middlebury’s Chemical Hygiene Plan.

The Middlebury Sciences Environmental Health and Safety Working Group is an ad hoc group composed of Middlebury support staff, including Middlebury’s Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator and Chemical Hygiene Officer.  The group meets regularly to develop and prioritize lab safety initiatives and training, and to provide support to the Laboratory Safety Committee.  

Emergency Contacts

  • Tim Wickland, Director of McCardell Bicentennial Hall MBH 333, (802) 443-5421
  • Cathy Ekstrom, MBH Building Coordinator MBH 330, (802) 443-3262 
  • Caitlin Carr, Laboratory Stores and Lab Safety Manager MBH 143, (802) 443-5619
  • Department of Public Safety
    • Campus Emergencies - call DPS emergency line (802) 443-5911
    • Police Emergencies - call 911