Frequently Asked Questions


Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox both work well. Internet Explorer works only if you have the newest version, otherwise the page may not load correctly. Safari can cause problems.


No. You should have your most recent language professor complete your language assessment, and choose another professor to complete your general recommendation.


Each component of the application (questionnaire, passport copy, etc.) has its own submit button. When you have submitted all the components by the deadline and there is a check mark in the box next to each item, the application is considered complete.


You still need to complete the Middlebury Study Abroad Application by February 1, but you can sign up to meet with Stacey at the beginning of spring semester. If you need to make changes to your application at that time, that should not be a problem (you may need to re-do parts of the application that are program/university-specific, but that can be addressed at that time).


Your language assessment should come from your current or your most recent language professor. Your major advisor approval(s) should come from your major advisor(s).


You only need to complete one Middlebury application, even if you are applying to multiple programs/universities. Complete the Middlebury application for your first choice, then later if you need to change it, that should be fine, as long as your adviser approves and as long as you are switching to a program/university normally approved by Middlebury. If you change programs/universities, you may need to re-do parts of the application that are program/university-specific, but that should not be a problem. You should indicate in your Middlebury application that you are applying to additional universities (and which ones).

Note The exception to this is if you are applying to one of the exchanges (East Anglia, Maastricht, Utrecht, Swarthmore, Spelman, AVIC) and are also applying to other universities. Please complete your Middlebury Study Abroad Application for the exchange university, since we need to know right away how many students are applying for these programs. You can only apply to ONE exchange program, though you can indicate your second choice in your application. Please do not submit an application directly to the exchange university; you must apply through Middlebury’s application and then be nominated; you will then receive instructions regarding the host university’s application process.

If you are applying to two different programs/universities for two different semesters, then you DO need to complete a Middlebury Study Abroad Application for both semesters/programs.


Please request the language assessment form from your professor using the online request. Then, ask your professor to contact International Programs and indicate that they are also your major advisor and approve of your plans to study abroad.