Our guide to study abroad costs, financial aid policies and opportunities, and additional resources.

Passport Grants Available

The Office of International Programs is pleased to announce the availability of Passport Grants to Middlebury undergraduates planning to study abroad who receive at least 50% of their tuition in the form of aid from Middlebury.

Grants are open to Middlebury 1st-year and 2nd-year students and applications are reviewed monthly (during the academic year).

You can apply for the grants here.

We welcome your questions at internationalprograms@middlebury.edu.

Boren Scholarship Middlebury Deadline

Please note the Middlebury internal deadline for the Boren Scholarship is January 15, 2025 for students who plan to study abroad during 2025-26. See below for more information. 

Study Abroad Costs

Program costs are generally similar to or somewhat less than U.S. college costs. In general, most study abroad experiences can be achieved well within the total cost of a term or year at Middlebury.

Some programs charge a comprehensive fee while others charge a tuition fee only, and students are responsible for room and board costs as well as travel. You can view cost estimates for the Middlebury Schools Abroad by country.

Students studying abroad (except those on official exchange programs) are charged an administrative fee of $2000 ($1,900 in 2024-25) per semester in order to help offset some of the costs of the services provided by International Programs and Off-Campus Study.

Middlebury’s Financial Aid Policies

  • Federal financial aid (aid other than Middlebury grants or loans) can usually be applied to study abroad expenses for any approved program.
  • Middlebury grant and loan financial aid is available for:
    • Students who study at Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad
    • Students who are pre-approved International and Global Studies majors with a focus in South Asian Studies who study abroad in South Asia
    • Students who are pre-approved International and Global Studies majors with a focus in African Studies (with a language focus other than French) who study abroad in Africa (IGS/AS majors with a French language focus are normally expected to study at the Middlebury School in Cameroon)
    • IP&E majors with a focus on Africa and a language focus other than French, studying abroad in Africa (IP&E majors with a French language focus are normally expected to study at the Middlebury School in Cameroon)
    • Students on official exchange programs (East Anglia, Maastricht, Utrecht, AVIC, Spelman, Swarthmore)
    • Students who study at approved programs in Israel [Note: students must successfully complete first-year Hebrew (101/102/103) prior to study abroad and are required to take the Ulpan in Israel. IGS majors must have completed through Hebrew 201 prior to study abroad]
    • Classics and Classical Studies majors on approved programs in Greece or Italy
  • Middlebury grant and loan financial aid is not available for:
    • Study in countries/programs where English is the official language or lingua franca (this includes Middlebury’s affiliation with Lincoln College/Oxford University), except at a Middlebury School Abroad or when a student is part of an official exchange program
    • Externally sponsored programs, unless a student is studying on an official exchange program or is studying in Africa or South Asia as a pre-approved IGS or IP&E major, according to the policies above (scholarships may be available directly from programs)
    • International students who seek to study on an externally sponsored program in their home country

For more information, see Middlebury’s Office of Student Financial Services

Outside Sources of Financial Aid

Boren Scholarships

Provides funding opportunities for US undergraduates to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. NOTE: The Middlebury application deadline for Boren Scholarship applications is January 15, 2025 (for students applying to study abroad during 2025-26); please note that this is earlier than the national Boren deadline. See Stacey Thebodo in International Programs and for more information.

The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

Provides awards for study abroad to U.S. citizens who are receiving a Federal Pell Grant. The program aims to encourage students to study in a diverse array of countries or areas and world regions. The program also encourages students to study languages, especially critical need languages

The Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships

Offers up to $5,000 per semester and not limited to specific programs, destinations, or fields of study. FEA funds students planning to study abroad on academically rigorous programs with a strong preference for underrepresented students. The Fund for Education Abroad also has Named and Dedicated Scholarships for students participating in specific programs and/or in specific countries, LGBTQI students, first-generation college students, and more.

Freeman-Asia Scholarships

Provides need-based scholarships for US citizens or permanent residents studying abroad in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

BUTEX (British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association)

Offers scholarships (£500 each) for Study Abroad and Exchange students from Canada and the United States who are attending BUTEX member institutions.

Swedish Women’s Education Association

This scholarship will be awarded to one or shared by two or more well-merited female students for study in Sweden for at least one semester.

Association of Teachers of Japanese: Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan

Offers resources for studying Japan, including undergraduate scholarships.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

An undergraduate scholarship program offering funding to study, do research and/or internships in Germany.

Inclusive Ireland Scholarship

Education Ireland and Diversity Abroad have partnered to offer the Inclusive Ireland Scholarship for students who identify as BIPOC who study abroad at one of the participating universities in Ireland.

Externally Sponsored Programs Offering Scholarships

Other Resources