Find out about exchange programs.

Affiliated Programs

Middlebury has an arrangement with Lincoln College at Oxford University in England, which provides the opportunity for several highly qualified students to study for the full academic year at Oxford. Please note that Middlebury financial aid does not transfer to this program.

In Italy, Middlebury is a member of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, organized by Duke University in Rome.


Middlebury has several exchange options, which particularly benefit students receiving significant Middlebury financial aid:

Middlebury students must apply for exchanges through International Programs, and spaces are limited.

Students studying on the East Anglia, Swarthmore, and Spelman exchanges pay Middlebury’s comprehensive fee; financial aid applies. Middlebury students studying through University College Maastricht, University College Utrecht, and the AVIC exchange pay Middlebury’s tuition (Middlebury’s tuition costs) and pay room and board to the host institution (the host institution’s room and board fees); financial aid applies.