Watch the 2021 Learning Institute Keynote: Educational Inequities and the Pandemic
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Featuring Susan Blum of Notre Dame, the Learning Institute was June 3-4, 2021. Watch her talk at
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Featuring Susan Blum of Notre Dame, the Learning Institute was June 3-4, 2021. Watch her talk at
Faculty, Fellowships, Students
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Each year the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces the list of U.S. higher education institutions that produced the highest numbers of Fulbright U.S. Scholars and U.S. Students. For 2020-2021, Middlebury is a top Fulbright producer for both its student and scholar programs. Learn more at
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Faculty Council and the Educational Affairs Committee (EAC) shared a list of strategies to address both student and faculty stress as we reach mid-semester. Read the list in the the CTLR shared teaching resources.
Faculty, Fellowships, Students
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Divya Gudur ‘21 and Nora Peachin ‘21 have been awarded Watson Fellowships to conduct a multi-country independent project. They each will receive $36,000 to fund the year abroad. Read more about Divya and Nora in the Middlebury Newsroom and applying to be one of Middlebury’s nominees for the Watson Fellowship.
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Middlebury’s Dr. Mark Peluso shared two studies related to teaching in the classroom during COVID. One on the importance of good mask fit and the second on transmission in K-12 classrooms through November. He shared a summary of each.
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Non-traditional grading methods are rare in Middlebury classrooms, but some professors are “ungrading” and experimenting with “labor-based” and self-evaluative assessments as alternatives to letter grades. “It just happens to work well because it’s a natural way to learn,” Biology professor Greg Pask said in reference to his “labor-based” grading system. “Regardless of what happens, this is what I was going to be doing anyway.” Read more of The Campus article.
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The 2021 Contemporary Teaching in the Liberal Arts winter pedagogy series held sessions on the post-pandemic college, PBL, Universal Design, full participation through HIPs, publicly engaged scholarship and engaging the public with our scholarship. See the session recordings, slide shows and handouts at go/ctla.
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Roni Lezama ‘22 wrote I’m a First-Generation American. Here’s What Helped Me Make It to College for Education Week. In it he shares three ways to help immigrant and first-generation students succeed. Read the article.
Learning Resources, Students, Writing Center
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Rebecca Duras ’19 wrote for the Wall Street Journal about being a first-generation student at Middlebury and her work with First@Midd. Students, faculty and staff can access the WSJ for free courtesy of the Student Government Association (SGA). Read the article.