Middlebury provides academic development funding opportunities in all disciplines for both faculty and staff.

Administrator Opportunity Eligibility Deadline Funding Description
Axinn Center for the Humanities Humanities Faculty Research Seminar Faculty April $1,000 stipend 2024-25 Application Call
Axinn Center for the Humanities Public Humanities Labs Faculty December, April $2,500 stipend, project funds See 2024-25 call
Center for Community Engagement (CCE) Academic Outreach Endowment (AOE) Faculty Rolling Up to $4,000 Community-connected teaching, learning and research projects
CCE Project-Based Learning Teaching Assistants Faculty January 6 hours per week Community-connected PBL courses
Center for Teaching, Learning and Research (CTLR) Pedagogy Enrichment Funding (PEF) Faculty Rolling Up to $1,500 Supporting new pedagogical activities
CTLR Reading Group Funding Faculty, Staff Rolling $250 per group Promoting higher education community and discussion
CTLR Undergraduate Research Summer Funds Faculty March Up to $6,700 per SRA Funding for summer research assistants
Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation (CT) CT Research Funding Opportunity Faculty April, October Up to $75,000 Research with students that tackles conflict transformation 
CT Engaged Listening Fellows Program Faculty and Staff November, April $3,000 Cohort workshops and a semester of applying ELP
Dean of Faculty Ada Howe Kent Faculty September, January Up to $3,000 Advancing teaching or research on teaching and learning
Dean of Faculty Faculty Professional Development Fund (FPDF) Faculty Rolling Up to $4,000 Conference travel and research needs
Dean of Faculty Long Range Professional Development Program (LPDF) Tenured faculty March Up to $13,000 Proposals of 3-5 years, once in a career
Dean of Faculty Undergraduate Collaborative Research Fund (UCRF) Faculty Rolling Up to $2,500 Funding for collaborative research assistants
Dean of Faculty Faculty Research Assistant Fund (FRAF) Faculty Rolling 150 hours per year Funding for student assistants for research or courses
Dean of Faculty Startup Funding New Faculty Expend within two years n/a Negotiated during the hiring process
Dean of Faculty Gladstone Award Honoring Excellence in Teaching Nominated Faculty March $10,000 Projects to enhance teaching or collaborative faculty-student work
Dean of Faculty Mellon New Directions Fellowship Nominated Faculty July (internal), September (final) Up to $300,000 See 2022 call (invited every few years)
Dean of Faculty NEH Summer Stipend Two Midd Faculty Nominated July $8,000 See 2024 call
Dean of Faculty Scholarly Publication Subvention Fund (SPSF) Faculty Rolling Up to $2,500 Expenses for scholarship publication
Dean of Faculty Family Care Stipend Faculty Rolling Up to $450 per year Dependent care for faculty development participation
Digital Learning and Inquiry (DLINQ) Digital Teaching and Learning Fellows Faculty April $4,000 Year-long development of digital project
DLINQ Digital Teaching and Learning Mini-Grants Faculty April $1,000 Semester-long development of Generative AI project
Human Resources Staff Development Funding Staff Rolling Varies Workshops, Continuing Education, Middlebury classes
Midd.Data Leave Year Fellowships Faculty January $2,500 per semester Digital or data-oriented scholarship during research leaves
Midd.Data Micro Grants Faculty, Staff November, February Up to $1,000 Scholarly and pedagogical efforts using data and digital methods
Provost’s Academic Council (PAC) Strategic Initiatives Funding Faculty, Staff November, March Up to $50,000 Projects aligned with Middlebury’s strategic framework
Vermont Center for Behavioral Science Research on Climate and the Environment Pilot Project and RA Funding Interdisciplinary Teams November $4,000 Environmental projects addressing climate action