Exceptionally well-qualified students may be considered for a special early-admissions program during the sophomore year. Candidates for early assurance should be absolutely sure they want to pursue a career in medicine, should be sure of the medical school they wish to attend, and must demonstrate clearly how the early assurance program will benefit them in a significant way.

Additionally, they should be active and productive in extra-academic endeavors, and their academic performance should be excellent. Those who are selected as early-assurance candidates will complete their Middlebury B.A. in normal course prior to entering medical school and will be expected to maintain high academic standards throughout their Middlebury tenure.

Review the individual medical school websites for more information about their application procedures, GPA requirements, and deadlines. Other medical schools may have early assurance programs. If you have a particular interest in a medical school, check its admissions office web site to see if the medical school offers an early assurance program.

Middlebury-Affiliated Early Assurance Programs

Underclassmen interested in applying to these programs need a committee letter and must be endorsed through the Health Professions Committee process.

There are other programs such as those listed below that are open to all undergraduate students and do not have a special affiliation with Middlebury College.