Write with us! Writing is a social and rhetorical act; therefore, we invite you to connect with peer and professional writing tutors to share your ideas, express yourself, co-construct knowledge, and develop your writing. All writers have more to learn. go/write


The CTLR Writing Center includes peer tutors who will work with writers from the beginning to the end of any piece of writing. Tutors also work with writers on generating project ideas, writing motivation, writing project planning, reviewing professor feedback, and revision strategies. A limited amount of professional writing tutoring is also available. Finally, writing pedagogy workshops and course-based tutor partnerships are offered to faculty. 

Writing tutoring is available fall and spring semesters (through reading days). Tutors will also be available during the winter semester for individual appointments. Visit go.middlebury.edu/appt to schedule.

Our Services

Email ctlr@middlebury.edu with questions or concerns. 

Melissa Hammerle

Interim Writing Center Director

CTLR - 225G
Office Hours:
S25: Wednesdays 11 am-1 pm and by appointment.