The Writing Center is here for you! Come engage in meaningful and productive work with us! Black writing on pink and white background.

Write with us! Don’t write or think alone! Writing is a social and rhetorical act; therefore, we invite you to connect with peer and professional writing tutors to share your ideas, express yourself, co-construct knowledge, and develop your writing. All writers have more to learn. 


The Middlebury Writing Center is a community of trained student and professional tutors who offer free writing consultation to the Middlebury community. We care about your ideas and your development as writers and invite you to check out our resources even before you have a paper due for a class. Students are also welcome to bring in creative projects and other non-course based writing. 

Our tutors work with writers from the beginning to the end of any piece of writing, from projects like research papers, response posts, memos, white papers, and fellowship applications to senior theses and personal writing (and more). We also work with writers on writing motivation, writing project planning, decoding professor feedback, revision strategies, and mindfulness writing strategies. Finally, we offer writing pedagogy workshops and course-based tutor partnerships to faculty. 

Because writing is intimately tied to identity, emotion, and metacognition, our tutors are trained to work with the “whole” writer while offering empathetic, applicable, and empowering feedback. 

Once students decide to access our services to work on their writing, they need to register for a WCOnline account at Go/WCOnline 

Each service is differently accessed. Students schedule their own online appointments at Go/WCOnline. FYS/CW Course tutors arrange appointments with individual students and enter them into WCOnline. For drop-in tutoring, students only need to show up and a tutor will work with them. All sites require a WCOnline account, which you only need to register for one time with your Middlebury email. Access step-by-step instructions for navigating WCOnline here

The Writing Center is open fall and spring semesters (through reading days).

Our Commitment to Creating an Anti-Racist Writing Center 

In fall 2020, writing center staff engaged in several hours of training on anti-racist tutoring practices. We then co-wrote a mission statement and set several action items to support our vision of an anti-racist writing center. Read more about this work here. Our training has been ongoing on inclusive pedagogy over the past several years. 

Our Services

  • Online peer tutoring (Synchronous & Asynchronous) by appointment through WCOnline offered some evenings during fall and spring semesters (go/wconline).
  • Course-based peer tutoring for writing intensive courses (FYS, CW, and WRPR courses). If you have a course tutor, contact them directly to schedule an appointment.
  • Professional tutoring by appointment through LibCal.
  • Drop-in peer tutoring, no appointment required, in CTLR (Davis Library) and Anderson Freeman Center (AFC).
  • Self-service resources and links for student writers.
  • Group events (Conversation Circles, Fall Write-In, Mindfulness Writing Challenge, Pandemic Processing Space). 
  • Faculty consultations on course development, writing pedagogy and assessment, and personal writing productivity. 

Find Us

The Writing Center typically offers appointments through course tutoring, online, and in the CTLR (Davis Family Library 225) and AFC (2nd floor library), Carr Hall. Go here for specific hours and locations each term.

Email with questions or concerns. 

Writing Center Updates

This academic year, the writing center will offer appointments online and in-person. Course tutors will use a mix of in-person and digital modalities that are determined by tutor discretion, student needs, and current COVID situations on and around campus.

Mask Policy: The CTLR is currently mask optional in our spaces. Masks may be required at certain events or when meeting with certain advisors or tutors. Remote options are available for most activities.

Leadership Team

  • Sheila Camacho (‘25) Head Tutor, Research, Tutor Programs and Tutor Educational Development
  • Anna Miller (‘26), Head Tutor, Research, Tutor Programs and Tutor Educational Development 



See All CTLR Writing Center Updates