Learning Resources has both professional staff and ACE peer tutors.

ACE Tutoring Updates

Ace Peer Tutor appointments can be booked at go.middlebury.edu/appt.

Mask Policy: The CTLR is currently mask optional in our spaces. Masks may be required at certain events or when meeting with certain advisors or tutors. Remote options are available for most activities.

Meeting with an ACE Tutor

An ACE Peer Tutor shares five things you may not know about meeting with an ACE.

students sitting on soft chairs talking

ACE Peer Tutor Drop-In Hours

If you are feeling overwhelmed with work and struggling with procrastination then visit the Anti-Procrastination Station in the CTLR Suite in LIB 225. ACE tutors will be your coach on getting unstuck.

Fall Semester Drop-In Hours: 
TBA, CTLR (Davis Library 225)
TBA, Armstrong Library (BiHall)

End of semester care kit list with images of needed items

End of Semester Care Kit from ACE Tutoring

  • Making study plans that include self-care?
  • Breaking down big projects?
  • Getting reminders about how to boost focus and to work effectively?
  • Drafting and sending emails to professors?
  • Planning rewards and time to have fun in your finals plan?

…or just getting started?

Use ACE Tutoring in the CTLR through individual appointments or drop-in sessions.

About ACE Peer Tutors

Most students will initially meet with a trained Academic Consultant for Excellence (ACE) peer tutor or First-Year Seminar mentor, who are trained in course-load planning and basic time management and study skills. ACEs will be available beginning the first day of classes.

Book an appointment with a trained peer ACE at go.middlebury.edu/appt.

Become an ACE

CTLR hires Academic Consultants for Excellence program (ACE) each summer for the coming academic year. If you are interested in working for the CTLR and being an ACE tutor, you can submit an application. Applications will be accepted and read up until July 31st. Interviews will be scheduled via zoom for August.

ACEs work with student clients on time management and other study skills. Previous experience tutoring is helpful but not required; there is a five hour training and ongoing supervision to teach you how to do this work. ACEs can mostly set their own hours and are always welcome to add project work for Learning Resources to their client hours to guarantee they have the work they need.

Strong candidates will have good communication skills, the ability to respond to emails quickly, to reliably show up for meetings with clients, and to work independently. We look at GPA in context and are always interested to hear from candidates who have successfully dealt with a substantial challenge to their learning experience.

Questions about the position can be sent to Jennifer Bates, Director of Learning Resources, jbates@middlebury.edu, and you can also book an appointment with an ACE at go.middlebury.edu/appt to get an in-depth look at the position.

Information for Current ACEs