Summer is a time for volunteers to take a break! It’s also a time to confirm your participation for the year ahead and, if you know of others who might like to join you, invite fellow classmates to be an annual giving volunteer!

Confirm your participation

Would you like to continue volunteering for Midd as a class agent or lead agent in 2024-2025?

You can confirm here or email your staff liaison.

Thanks for letting us know either way!

Invite a friend

In Annual Giving, we take a “the more, the merrier” approach to fundraising for Middlebury. If there are classmates you think would enjoy the outreach or Reunion planning, please invite them to join you! 

You can share our Volunteer page with information about all opportunities, and they can use this form to sign up as a class agent or Reunion volunteer. 

Class Giving Participation 2023-2024

Want to see how your class did in FY24 relative to FY23?

Check your class giving participation numbers.

If the above link doesn’t work, email us and we’ll send you the direct link in a jiffy!