Fundraising volunteers at Middlebury are known as class agents, and they work in partnership with the Annual Giving team in the Office of Advancement.

There are hundreds of alumni who engage in this critical work. Thank you for being one of them! Below is more information on each of the fundraising roles.

Use the “On This Page” menu to navigate quickly to between the roles.

Class Agent

Class agents play an important role in the success of Middlebury’s annual giving effort. Here’s what we need you to do:

Get your classmates excited about Middlebury.

  • Get in touch with your classmates via email, text, phone, mail, or social media. Share news about the College or alumni events throughout the year.
  • Be an advocate for alumni. If classmates need information you don’t have, encourage them to be in touch with Middlebury, or reach out to your staff contact on their behalf.
  • Be social. One of the best ways to create a sense of community and excitement is through your class Facebook group. Visit to find your class.

Help classmates understand the impact of alumni giving.

  • Lead by example: make your gift to Middlebury early (by December 31 would be great!).
  • Contact your assignments and encourage them to make a gift this year. Use the Volunteer Portal on GiveCampus to send emails, track your work, and communicate with Annual Giving staff.
  • Provide updates on your progress, communicate classmates’ questions, and report outdated or updated contact information to Annual Giving staff.
  • Say “thank you” to your classmates when they give. 
  • Keep donor information confidential.

Lead Class Agent

Thank you for stepping up to lead your class! Lead class agents ensure the success of their class agents and the overall fundraising effort within their class. Here’s what we need you to do:

Build and maintain a strong and active roster of class agents.

Work with Middlebury staff to “manage” class agents:

  • Reach out to agents who have been quiet or inactive.
  • Recruit and help onboard new volunteers.
  • Communicate plans with volunteers.
  • Seek feedback and updated contact info.

Keep class agents engaged, connected, and motivated.

  • Amplify Midd messages by forwarding them to class agents with your own personal message and/or generating your own message to them.
  • Share regular updates, Midd news, and class agent next steps through calls, emails, texts, etc.
  • Attend the leadership webinars intended to help keep our alumni leaders informed about Middlebury.
  • Choose your own assignments in the Volunteer Portal on GiveCampus and encourage fellow agents to do so as well. 
  • Participate in Middlebury’s major fundraising campaigns.
  • Lead by example: Make your own gift to Middlebury early (by December 31 would be great!).
  • Ensure 100 percent class agent giving by making sure each agent makes a gift by June 30.

Motivate class donor participation

  • Serve as a spokesperson for your class fundraising (help write and edit class agent letters).
  • Participate actively and visibly in our major fundraising campaigns of the year, sharing the Middlebury message through as many channels as possible.
  • Say “thank you” to your assigned classmates and class agents when they give.
  • Keep donor information confidential.
Alumni and family members enjoy a summer picnic at several tables under blue skies

Reunion Volunteer

Reunion volunteers are communicators; they keep classmates informed and engaged. They are committee ambassadors, communicating College information and class-specific goals. And, finally, Reunion volunteers help alumni understand how important their annual giving is to current students and to the continued success of Middlebury.

Here’s what we need you to do:

Get your classmates excited about Reunion.

  • Get in touch with your classmates via mail, email, phone, text, or social media. Provide Reunion updates and share news about the College throughout the year.
  • Help us track down “lost” classmates.
  • Engage with Middlebury. Participate in virtual and regional events for volunteer alumni.
  • Be an advocate for alumni. If classmates need information you don’t have, encourage them to be in touch with Middlebury, or reach out to your staff contact on their behalf.
  • Create a sense of community and excitement about Reunion through your class Facebook group. To find your class, visit
  • Organize virtual or in-person “mini-Reunions” in the months before Reunion to build excitement and boost attendance at Reunion Weekend.
  • Register for Reunion early, then encourage classmates to do so. Publicize the names of those attending.

Plan Reunion activities for your class.

  • Generate ideas for in-person and virtual activities, such as hiking, tennis, faculty lectures, alumni panel discussions, or talks led by classmates.
  • Identify a classmate to write about your class and its time at Middlebury and read those remarks at Convocation.
  • Personalize the class headquarters with memorabilia, music, or festive decorations, and organize social time there.

Members of the Alumni and Parent Programs (APP) staff and Reunion volunteers will focus on planning one or two class-specific, on-campus activities. Middlebury staff and Reunion volunteers will also work to plan some class-specific virtual events throughout the year in order get the class connected and begin the celebration before June!

Support your class Reunion gift.

  • Lead by example: Make your own gift to Middlebury early (by December 31 would be great!).
  • Contact your assignments and encourage them to support your class Reunion gift. Use the Volunteer Portal on GiveCampus to send emails, track your work, and communicate with Annual Giving staff.
  • Provide updates on your progress, communicate classmates’ questions, and share news of outdated or updated contact information to Reunion staff. 
  • Say “thank you” to your classmates when they give.
  • Keep donor information confidential.
Convocation parade at Reunion, with banners from classes between 2012-1992 visible

Reunion Committee Chair / Reunion Lead Agent

Thank you for stepping up to lead your class! Reunion committee chairs are communicators; they keep fellow volunteers informed and engaged. They are committee ambassadors, communicating College information and class-specific goals. Reunion chairs also work with College staff to manage the committee volunteers, ensure 100 percent committee giving, and help alumni understand how important their annual giving is to current students and to the continued success of Middlebury. Here’s what we need you to do:

Build and maintain a strong and active roster of Reunion volunteers.

Work with Middlebury staff to “manage” Reunion volunteers:

  • Reach out to agents who have been quiet or inactive.
  • Recruit and help onboard new volunteers.
  • Communicate plans with volunteers.
  • Seek feedback and updated contact info.

Keep class volunteers engaged, connected, and motivated.

  • Amplify Midd messages by forwarding them to Reunion volunteers with your own personal message and/or generating your own message to them.
  • Share regular updates, Midd news, and Reunion volunteer next steps through calls, emails, texts, etc.
  • Attend the leadership webinars intended to help keep our alumni leaders informed about Middlebury.
  • Participate in Reunion committee Zooms.
  • Choose your own assignments in the Volunteer Portal on GiveCampus and encourage fellow Reunion volunteers to do so as well. 
  • Actively participate in Middlebury’s major fundraising campaigns.
  • Lead by example: Make your own gift to Middlebury early (by December 31 would be great!).
  • Ensure 100 percent Reunion volunteer giving by making sure each volunteer makes a gift by Reunion Weekend.

Motivate class donor participation.

  • Serve as a spokesperson for your class fundraising (help write and edit class agent letters).
  • Participate actively and visibly in our major fundraising campaigns of the year, sharing the Middlebury message through as many channels as possible.
  • Say “thank you” to your assigned classmates and class agents when they give.
  • Keep donor information confidential.